
Can the time you eat your meal impact your weight?

NEW research has revealed that the time you eat your evening meal can have a major impact on your health and weight.

NEW research has revealed that the time you eat your evening meal can have a major impact on your health and weight.

Researchers at the University of Surrey conducted the study and the results found that eating later does have a negative effect on your health.

The research suggests that having a light dinner could help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol and blood sugar, reports the BBC.

But the opposite effect was felt by those who ate their food just before bed, regardless of its size.

Studies on mice have suggested the best way to improve your health is to restrict the window of time you eat and extend the length of time you go without food.

Professor Satchidananda Panda, from the Salk Institute in California, conducted a study in which he fed one sample of mice a high-fat diet but restricted their eating times to an eight hour window.

The best way to improve your health is to restrict the window of time you eat and extend the length of time you go without lunch at cafe. Picture: Supplied.
The best way to improve your health is to restrict the window of time you eat and extend the length of time you go without lunch at cafe. Picture: Supplied.

The results found that the mice who had a specific eating time frame were slimmer and healthy than those who were on the same diet but did not have a window.

While some dietitians claim grazing frequently throughout the day on smaller portions of food is the key to shifting pounds.

However, recent studies proved this wasn’t the case — it’s all about the overall calorie intake rather than the size and number of meals.

Fitness and nutrition expert Brad Schoenfeld said: “There was no difference in weight loss between people who ate very few meals or very many — as long as the amount of calories they consumed stayed the same.”

Originally published as Can the time you eat your meal impact your weight?

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