
‘World’s best chef’ who committed suicide was victim of wine scam

NEW reports claim that the ‘world’s best chef’, who committed suicide last week, was the victim of a huge wine scam that put his business in considerable financial difficulty.

NEW reports claim the ‘world’s best chef’, who was found dead in his home last week in a suspected suicide, was the victim of a huge wine scam that put his business in considerable financial difficulty.

Benoit Violier, who was head chef at the three Michilan-starred Restaurant de l’Hotel de Ville in Switzerland, had just been given the ‘best restaurant crown’ by France’s La Liste in the weeks before his death, leading to speculation the pressure that came with the accolade was too much for the 44-year-old chef.

But now finance magazine Bilan has published claims Violier allegedly fell victim to a scam masterminded by Swiss wine company Private Finance Partners, who are said to have sold rare wines to restaurants for $28,000 up to $56,000 ... but then never delivered them.

The same bottles were allegedly sold three or four times to various unsuspecting buyers.

The magazine claims Violier’s restaurant suffered losses up to $2.8 million due to the scam.

A security guard closes the door of the Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville in Crissier near Lausanne, western Switzerland, on February 1, 2016, near flowers placed at the entrance of the restaurant a day after its chef was found dead at his home. Top chef Benoit Violier -- whose renowned three-star restaurant in a small Swiss town is seen as the world's best -- was found dead in his home on January 31 in an apparent suicide, police said. News of the 44-year-old's death, just months after his Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville was crowned the "world's best restaurant" by an exclusive ranking, sparked a wave of sadness as contemporaries extolled the French-Swiss chef's talents. / AFP / ERIC BERNAUDEAU
A security guard closes the door of the Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville in Crissier near Lausanne, western Switzerland, on February 1, 2016, near flowers placed at the entrance of the restaurant a day after its chef was found dead at his home. Top chef Benoit Violier -- whose renowned three-star restaurant in a small Swiss town is seen as the world's best -- was found dead in his home on January 31 in an apparent suicide, police said. News of the 44-year-old's death, just months after his Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville was crowned the "world's best restaurant" by an exclusive ranking, sparked a wave of sadness as contemporaries extolled the French-Swiss chef's talents. / AFP / ERIC BERNAUDEAU

Private Finance Partners was declared bankrupt on November 30, 2015.

The magazine claimed that one of the brokers, who remained anonymous in the article, was taken into custody in October.

André Kudelski, a shareholder of the Restaurant de l’Hotel de Ville and a friend of Violier’s, however, categorically denied to The Telegraph that the chef had been a victim of a financial scam.

He said: “The restaurant has no issues with the company in the [Bilan] article and did not lose any money.

“The restaurant was absolutely not touched and the Violier family had nothing to do with this affair.

“The restaurant is full. It is better than in any previous year. It is a record year. The restaurant has a very solid financial base.”

Violier was farewelled on Friday with 1500 mourners turning out to pay their respects. Big name chefs including Joel Robuchon, Marc Veyrat and Anne-Sophie Pic, who like Violier were part of the elite group to have three Michelin stars, attended the funeral service in Lausanne cathedral.

The coffin of Swiss French chef Benoit Violier are seen during his funeral ceremony at the Cathedral of Lausanne, western Switzerland, on February 5, 2016. Top chef Benoit Violier -- whose renowned three-star restaurant in a small Swiss town is seen as the world's best -- was found dead in his home on January 31 in an apparent suicide, police said. News of the 44-year-old's death, just months after his Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville was crowned the "world's best restaurant" by an exclusive ranking, sparked a wave of sadness as contemporaries extolled the French-Swiss chef's talents. / AFP / POOL / LAURENT GILLIERON
The coffin of Swiss French chef Benoit Violier are seen during his funeral ceremony at the Cathedral of Lausanne, western Switzerland, on February 5, 2016. Top chef Benoit Violier -- whose renowned three-star restaurant in a small Swiss town is seen as the world's best -- was found dead in his home on January 31 in an apparent suicide, police said. News of the 44-year-old's death, just months after his Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville was crowned the "world's best restaurant" by an exclusive ranking, sparked a wave of sadness as contemporaries extolled the French-Swiss chef's talents. / AFP / POOL / LAURENT GILLIERON

Violier is survived by his widow, Brigitte and his 12-year-old son.

Brigitte Violier reopened the restaurant on Tuesday two days after her husband’s death after gathering its 54 staff to decide how they should react to the tragedy.

“I reserved a table quite a while ago for Tuesday lunchtime,” a diner at the restaurant told Swiss newspaper 24 Hours.

“They called me and explained that Madame Violier wanted the restaurant to keep going and asked me if I would be there to support them.

“I found that very courageous,” he added.

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467

Originally published as ‘World’s best chef’ who committed suicide was victim of wine scam

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