
This is what Red Bull does to your body after just one can

A REVEALING infographic charts the effects of a can of energy drink for up to 12 days.

A revealing infographic shows the effects of a can of energy drinks for up to 12 days.
A revealing infographic shows the effects of a can of energy drinks for up to 12 days.

EVER wondered what energy drinks are really doing to your body?

Well a researcher at a gift company has been doing his own experiment and has come up with a handy infographic detailing the disturbing effects of drinking caffeine boosters like Red Bull.

Content researcher Erwin Johnson from charted changes to the body caused by the drinks for the 24 hours after you drink and up to 12 days later. His report was reproduced on The Sun.

The infographic is a real eye-opener.
The infographic is a real eye-opener.

Here’s what he found:

First 10 minutes

That’s the time the caffeine begins to enter the bloodstream, causing your heart rate and blood pressure to rise.

15-45 minutes

The time your caffeine level peaks, making you feel alert and improving concentration.

30-50 minutes

By now all of the caffeine has been absorbed and your liver will often react by absorbing more sugar.

1 hour

This is when you are likely to get the “sugar crash”, when your blood sugar and caffeine level drops and you may feel tired.

5-6 hours

Roughly 5-6 hours after consumption your body will have reduced the caffeine content in your bloodstream by 50 per cent.

12 hours

Around 12 hours after finishing your energy drink the caffeine will be out of most people’s bloodstreams, but it does vary due to age and activity.

Between 12 and 24 hours

If you have been drinking energy drinks regularly, between 12 and 24 hours is the time when you’ll start to feel withdrawal symptoms and you may suffer from headaches, irritability and constipation.

7-12 days

Studies have shown this is the time it takes the body to become tolerant of your daily caffeine dosage.

This means if you keep the level the same, you are unlikely to feel any effects at this point.

While energy drinks contain caffeine, they are within the 400mg recommended limit with one 250ml can containing 80mg.

Nutritionist Ella Allred told the Daily Star: “Energy drinks are a bad way to get caffeine. Many people drink energy drinks every day to help them survive busy week.

“However, relying on those drinks, push our bodies to the limit. We still need to sleep and eat properly, but if we won’t do it on time and ignore our needs, most likely we will crash later on.”

This article originally appeared on The Sun.

How safe are energy drinks for teens?

Originally published as This is what Red Bull does to your body after just one can

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