
Stop trying to make ‘Aussie taco’ a thing

DEBATE rages about the correct term for this delicacy, aka the jewel in the crown of our national cuisine. But it’s not this.

There’s a reason Merv Hughes looks awkward in the latest Coles ad. Picture: Twitter
There’s a reason Merv Hughes looks awkward in the latest Coles ad. Picture: Twitter

DEBATE has raged in the past about the correct term for this delicacy (aka the jewel in the crown of our national cuisine):

God, that is beautiful. Picture: Supplied.
God, that is beautiful. Picture: Supplied.

Depending on where you live in Australia, some people will call it a “sausage sandwich”.

Other people will call it a “sausage in bread”. Everyone will call it “the best thing about a trip to Bunnings”.

But as far as we know, nobody on this great big brown land has ever referred to it as an “Aussie taco”.

So when Leon Sjogren opened up the Daily Telegraph and saw this ad (starring an appropriately uncomfortable-looking Merv Hughes) he was dumbfounded:

“At first I thought there must have been a typo or the wrong word printed in the ad, then when I saw Merv holding the sausage up I realised Coles must be trying to make it a thing,” said Sjogren, an executive producer at Southern Cross Austero.

“It won’t work ... Saying that, I wouldn’t mind trying a snag in a taco shell ... that might work.”

Leon Sjogren ... wouldn’t mind trying a snag in a taco shell. Picture: Supplied
Leon Sjogren ... wouldn’t mind trying a snag in a taco shell. Picture: Supplied

One of the first responses Sjogren received to his tweet was “Aussie taco? Get f**ked, mates.”

Other people who had noticed the ad separately also had their say on social media.

Phillip Molly Malone was so emotional about it he ended up conducting a poll.

Though there seemed to be one lone person who approved.

What we really need here is Regina George from Mean Girls to have a word with Coles (just change the word ‘fetch’ to “Aussie taco” here and it works).

So we can conclude: the vast majority of people are “down” on Coles for attempting to bring “Aussie taco” into our lexicon.

Having said all that, the ad really makes us want a sausage in bread and you can’t argue with the $3 value.

You win this round, Coles.

Originally published as Stop trying to make ‘Aussie taco’ a thing

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