
McDonald’s customers stepped over choking disabled man to get served

DINERS in a McDonald’s branch stepped over a disabled man as he was lying on the floor choking to death on a lump of meat, an inquest heard yesterday.

DINERS in a McDonald’s branch stepped over a disabled man as he was lying on the floor choking to death on a lump of meat, an inquest has heard.

Mike Ore, 47, had collapsed after a ball of food blocked his oesophagus while he sat in his wheelchair in a branch of the fast food chain in on July 8.

CCTV footage at the restaurant revealed it was three minutes before anybody went to Mr Ore’s assistance, the court was told.

Ore, who was eating at the branch in Cheltenham in the UK, suffered from Spina bifida, a condition where the spine does not develop properly, leaving a gap in the back.

Customer Johnny Langden told the inquest at Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court: “I was standing in a queue at McDonald’s with my family when I saw this man in a wheelchair clearly in distress.

Mike Ore.
Mike Ore.

“I and two ladies went to his assistance and tried to remove the food from his mouth but he had turned purple in colour and I realised that he was dying.

“I could not believe it but some customers stepped over his body to get to the counter.”

Commenting on the Cheltenham resident, Coroner David Dooley said: “The deceased has spina bifida, gout and alcohol problems. He was also a heavy smoker.

“A ball of food had lodged in his oesophagus and caused a blockage.

“A toxicology report revealed a high level of alcohol in his blood and urine and his lungs were congested.

“One of the effects of excessive alcohol can be a loss of co-ordination and an impairment of the swallowing reflex. Choking can result.

“The deceased had been drinking prior to visiting the restaurant and the alcohol could have inhibited the swallowing reflux.

“Unfortunately nobody appeared to notice his condition until it was too late.”

Ore’s friend Jack Uddin wrote on Facebook: “I was very fortunate to know Mike for over 20 years. In all the years I knew him I found him to be a good and loyal friend.

“May the eternal sleep bring you forever peace my Mike. You will be missed.

Katey Williams said: “How very sad poor man. Can’t believe people would be able to step over him while he was choking to death.”

The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.

This article originally appeared on The Sun.

Originally published as McDonald’s customers stepped over choking disabled man to get served

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