
Seven signs that you may be a workaholic

WHERE do you draw the line between conscientious and full-blown workaholism? If you tick all these boxes, you might want to go home early.

Adulting is hard work, but don’t become a workaholic. Picture: Supplied
Adulting is hard work, but don’t become a workaholic. Picture: Supplied

SOMETIMES the workaholic lifestyle feels like the only way to get through the week — especially when the boss is breathing down your neck.

But where exactly do you draw the line? Having a strong work ethic is one thing, being unable to switch off and unwind is very much another.

We’ve all been led to be believe in the credo that “hard work pays off”. Any bona fide workaholic can attest, sometimes your job (and the need to do it anywhere, anytime) just sneaks up on you.

And yet, often we tend to overvalue workaholism and pass it off as routine, and those long hours can be really damaging if you never take time to unwind.

If you work pretty much non-stop, and can’t even contemplate taking annual leave for a holiday, this sort of workaholism can be unhealthy, unproductive and unrewarding.

Putting in the extra hours might generate results initially, but it won’t be long before you’ve ground yourself down. And fatigued, exhausted employees are little use to their organisations.

Even the toughest bosses should understand that employees need time out. Picture: Alamy
Even the toughest bosses should understand that employees need time out. Picture: Alamy


1. You’re first to arrive ... And the last to leave.

Are you the first person to arrive at the office in the morning?

This isn’t in itself a bad thing — many professionals find they are most productive at the start of the day, particularly when there are fewer distractions in a quiet workplace.

But if you’re also the one switching off the lights at night there may be a problem.

There’s only so long you can burn the midnight oil before it starts to have an impact on your performance levels and time management.

Putting in a standard shift in top gear is always a better option than working 12 hours straight in a fatigued state.

2. You have no outside hobbies or interests

When was the last time you took part in some sort of activity you enjoy outside of work?

Some people spend every waking hour performing employment duties — or when they’re not actually working, they’re thinking about it.

Being a workaholic leaves little time for anything else, whether at home or socially with friends. The result is that your social circle slowly evaporates due to the lack of a work-life balance, leaving you with just colleagues and clients on your contacts list.

3. You’re constantly stressed

Sometimes a little stress at work is not a bad thing; it ensures professionals are motivated to complete projects and meet important deadlines.

But if you find yourself in a constant state of worry — even when you’re not at work — this can become a problem.

Sometimes workaholics find they are stressed because they aren’t at work — essentially suffering withdrawal symptoms at weekends. This isn’t good for your short or long-term health.

Learn to set clear boundaries between your work and private life. Picture: Supplied
Learn to set clear boundaries between your work and private life. Picture: Supplied

4. You never take a lunch break

If you find you’ve never got the time to take a proper lunch break, ask yourself: Is this a voluntary or involuntary decision?

If your organisation can’t spare you half an hour to sit and eat your lunch, then it needs to think about recruiting additional employees to add capacity.

Every working professional needs to set aside time every day for breaks and make sure they take them — it’s as much about giving your brain a rest as anything else. This ensures you’re ready to fire on all cylinders in the afternoon.

5. You check your emails every five minutes

There’s nothing wrong with a regular check of your inbox while you’re at work; it’s important to keep on top of your emails.

But, once you head home for the evening, it’s a different matter. You’re paid to work the allocated hours as set by your employer — not 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Unless it’s an absolutely urgent email, you shouldn’t be spending your evening responding or sending messages of your own.

Depending on the nature of your job, you might have emails coming in throughout the evening. If you pick up your phone or tablet every time it buzzes, you’ll never put the thing down.

6. You get impatient with everyone

It could be the employee who leaves early every Friday or the parent who wants to reduce their hours — do you get frustrated with colleagues who seemingly work fewer hours than you do?

The most important thing from an employer’s perspective is productivity and value — rather than the number of hours you work.

So just because other people leave at 5pm on the dot, it doesn’t mean they are doing a bad job. It may just be that they’ve found a better, healthier work-life balance.

7. You have one topic of conversation

You don’t know what’s happening in the news, what the result of Friday night’s footy game was, or even who the prime minister is these days. If it’s not work-related, it isn’t worth discussing, you figure.

Just remember that if you genuinely only have one topic of conversation, it won’t be long before you bore everyone else around you.


1. Time management

Time is one of your most important resources. We’re paid for it, so it makes sense to spend it wisely.

This might mean declining non-essential meetings or dedicating time in your calendar to accomplishing one task.

With time, there’s also opportunity cost to keep in mind; if you’re spending it on a less urgent project, you can’t spend it on one that could be more impactful.

And while a quick procrastination break every now and then never hurt anyone, set end goals to keep your productivity in check.

2. Delegation

Learning how to delegate is the yin to time management’s yang. In other words, you will have more time if you know how to delegate tasks as appropriate.

To start, know what requires your expertise and what doesn’t. Understand your team’s strengths and make good use of them.

Finally, be honest about what you can take on. If you feel overwhelmed, be willing to say no or ask for help.

3. Set boundaries

Business fluctuates, and there will be times when you have to stay late, work a Saturday or return an email in the wee hours. But don’t make this a habit.

Remember why you’re working in the first place: to support yourself or your family, and to feel fulfilled, empowered or professionally satisfied.

If you don’t want to find yourself in the “live to work” group, create clear boundaries. This may mean leaving by 6pm each evening, no matter what, or blocking time to work out during your lunch break.

It may also mean not checking work email on your personal phone or at all on the weekends.

Nicole Gorton is the director of recruitment consultancy Robert Half Australia.

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Originally published as Seven signs that you may be a workaholic

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