
Queer festival boss suspended ‘for being straight’

THE suspension of a Queer arts festival boss, allegedly because she is straight, has sparked debate over who should be allowed to lead minorities.

Feast boss Cassandra Liebeknecht says she was suspended for being straight. Picture: Calum Robertson
Feast boss Cassandra Liebeknecht says she was suspended for being straight. Picture: Calum Robertson

SPAT on, threatened and slandered for being straight.

That’s the treatment allegedly meted out to the boss of Adelaide’s annual queer arts event, Feast Festival, who claims she was suspended because she is heterosexual.

General Manager Cassandra Liebeknecht is off work on full pay while the board investigates allegations of unprofessional conduct — but she says it’s all about her sexuality.

“I’ve sought legal advice,” Ms Liebeknecht told The Australian, accusing the board of an ambush prompted by “squeaky wheels” in the LGBTI community who opposed having a straight woman running the organisation.

“I’ve been spat on, I’ve had people scare me, I’ve had people contact me at work anonymously, saying ‘I know where your children go to school’,’’ she said. “There was also a gentleman who continues to this day to slander me for my sexuality. It just gets vicious.”

The showdown has divided Australia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community, raising the question of whether a not-for-profit that advances the cause of minorities should be led by an outsider.


In Ms Liebeknecht’s camp are those who argue that it should not matter what sexuality the general manager — or any employee — identifies with, as long as they are the best qualified person for the job.

But others have drawn a parallel with indigenous leadership organisations, arguing that it would be preposterous for such a group to be led by a white Australian.

Karen Bryant, a gay woman who runs Melbourne’s Midsumma Festival, said that while the issue was not black and white, leaders of queer festivals needed to be able to understand the needs of the community.

“For me, the issue is more about, does the person have the knowledge, the trust, the networks and the skills, to engage and represent that community?” Ms Bryant said.

Any organisation that represented minorities “should be doing everything it can to ensure that leadership comes from those communities”, she argued.

But the diversity of the community made it problematic to assert that any one person could represent LGBTI people as a whole, she said.

While queer organisations were typically led by members of the community, she said, it was not unheard of to have straight people employed in senior roles.


Tennille Moisel, chief executive of Melbourne’s queer radio station Joy 94.9 FM, said sexuality should not be a factor in choosing staff.

“Our community is very diverse,” Ms Moisel said, arguing that queer “allies” were vital to the LGBTI cause.

“Anybody who wants to be part of a positive expression of creating a safe place and a platform for the LGBTI communities to express themselves, I think that’s a fantastic thing, whether you are an identified member of the LGBTI or the broader, diverse parts of the spectrum of sexuality or gender, or you’re an ally ... I mean that’s the point here, we’re talking about being inclusive.”

Feast has denied that sexuality has anything to do with Ms Liebeknecht’s suspension and declined to comment on the investigation, or the resignation of four of its 10 board members in the wake of its decision.

“The board is not in a position to comment about any internal investigations that may be

currently underway, but we can say that no staff have resigned or been asked to leave the organisation,” Feast said in a statement.

“Feast’s view is — and always has been — that someone’s sexuality or gender should never be discriminated against. We support and celebrate all sexualities and gender identities.”

Dannii Minogue will headline the opening night of Feast Festival, which runs from October 21 to November 6.

Originally published as Queer festival boss suspended ‘for being straight’

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