
Manspreading at work is good for your health

FORGET the gender wars. Everyone should be manspreading at work, including women, according to science.

There’s a lot to be said for manspreading.
There’s a lot to be said for manspreading.

YOUR desk is slowly killing you.

Or so believes Kelly Starrett, a physical therapist and author of the new book Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World, a guide that aims to mitigate back pains, carpal tunnel aches and myriad other ailments currently afflicting desk jockies worldwide.

“We’re in the middle of an epidemic. Being sedentary increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and musculoskeletal injuries,” Starrett told The New York Post. “We’re not fearmongering here.”

Science backs him up: A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that physical inactivity is a bigger risk factor in mortality than obesity. Even more alarming is the fact that gym addicts aren’t off the hook.

“Even if you’re killing it at the gym for an hour a day, you’re still considered a sedentary person if you spend most of your waking hours sitting,” Starrett said.

Unsurprisingly, he is a huge proponent of the standing desk.

“At the very least, people should make a point of getting up, stretching, and walking around the office at least once an hour.”

If your boss requires your butt to be in a chair, here’s how to minimise the damage.


Grab happy-hour drinks at the bar rather than at a cozy two-top. Sit on the floor and stretch while watching Netflix. Stand up during your morning commute. “The less sitting, the better,” Starrett said.


Instead of hunching down to check your tablet, smartphone or laptop, make sure the screen is at eye level. And make sure you’ve got some space between the screen and your peepers. Aim for 18 to 30 inches — whatever distance in which you can see everything clearly on your screen without tilting your head.


Toward the end of the day, you may find yourself slouching forward toward the keyboard, your spine forming a C-like shape. When you feel that, it’s a sign to sit up straight. Instead of throwing your shoulders back, focus on pulling in your core — a stiff trunk ensures that your spine is in the correct position.


Stuck in a boring meeting? Squeeze your glutes together, which helps reset your femurs into their proper position. Also point your toes to stop your ankles from stiffening.


Be wary of so-called “ergonomic” chairs: While some stand up to the hype, others are just clever marketing, Starrett said. Plus, most of the time, people are leaning forward in an ergonomic chair, completely defeating its purpose. An ideal office chair is one that lacks armrests, a back and cushion. “Those add-ons encourage reclining, which places weight on your femurs and hamstrings, leading to hip issues,” Starrett said.


When you’re sitting, position yourself on the front third of the chair. Spread your knees apart as wide as they’ll go and plant your feet on the floor. This will help stabilise your core and pelvis, said Starrett.


Align your wrists to your forearms (like you’re about to perform a karate chop), and make sure your shoulders are in line with your elbows — meaning your elbows aren’t splaying outward. Moving your wrists and forearms out of alignment can create shoulder and neck problems. Since it’s likely your wrists will occasionally move out of alignment, especially with prolonged computer work, Starrett recommended rolling your hands and wrists for two minutes at least every hour.

Originally published as Manspreading at work is good for your health

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