
Coronavirus restrictions leave 26,000 fruit picking jobs unfilled

Farmers and fruit growers are so understaffed they’ve resorted to ploughing their crops straight back into the ground.

Australian fruit being left to rot amid shortage of pickers

Harvesters have listed seven locations across Australia for job hunters after a new report revealed the industry is desperately in need of 26,000 workers.

Coronavirus-induced border restrictions have shrunk the supply of backpackers to support the industry as fears grow of a collapsing supply chain and escalating produce prices ahead of Christmas.

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The supply of backpackers working on farms has collapsed this year. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen
The supply of backpackers working on farms has collapsed this year. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen

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The shortfall of workers has been accelerating since the lockdown period began earlier this year and is expected to peak in March, according to the report produced by consultancy firm Ernst & Young.

It says the hardest hit regions for worker shortages include:

• Cairns

• Wide Bay

• South-east South Australia

• Shepparton

• North-west Victoria

• Coffs Harbour and Grafton

• The NSW Murray region

The harvesting industry employs about 30 per cent of the 140,000 backpackers who typically visit Australia but these travellers have collapsed to less than 70,000 during the pandemic, according to the peak industry body.

It’s lobbying for flights to be resumed and migrants who are ready and keen to work to be prioritised.

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise that we’re less than half of where we were at the start of the year,” AusVeg spokesperson Tyson Cattle told

“There’s going to be a shortfall and without adequate replacement labour, we’re really struggling.”

In response, the Morrison Government said it will extend visas for backpackers, Pacific Islanders and seasonal workers as well as offering incentives for welfare recipients to head to the regions and pick fruit.

Mr Cattle said the dramatic shortage of workers has left many farmers with no choice but to plough their crops straight back into the ground or leave fruit to wither on branches.

“A lot of growers are reconsidering their planting options, which means there might be even less supply coming on to the market later in the year,” he said.

This means the supply chain could collapse at the source.

“If you can’t get the product picked, then you can’t get it packed, then you can’t get it trucked, and you can’t get it to the supermarket,” Mr Cattle said.

“There’s a whole bunch of people employed along the supply chain, so unless we get the harvest roles filled then the rest of the supply chain is at risk.”

The peak body says many crops will go unpicked and wasted.
The peak body says many crops will go unpicked and wasted.

The peak body said the industry is desperately frustrated after being ravaged by drought and bushfire over the last couple of years.

“Farmers and growers have done it hard, particularly in the last 12 months based on seasonal conditions, and one of the frustrations growers have is all of a sudden they’ve got a crop that can be harvested and get to market,” the spokesperson said.

“They see that unemployment is on the rise yet, as an industry, we’re crying out for 26,000 workers.”

The peak body wants those from metropolitan areas struggling to find work amid the coronavirus recession to consider heading to the regions.

But the Australian Workers Union dismissed this option for the hundreds of thousands of unemployed, saying the agriculture and horticulture sector consists of “rampant law breaking”.

“The reason Australians are not being employed on farms is because too many employers in the sector prefer to hire people they can easily underpay, exploit, and, in many cases, harass,” AWU national secretary Daniel Walton said recently.

“We know this not a case of a few bad apples. Bad employers are rampant in the fruit and veg industry because they know they have a virtual green light from government to ignore Australian employment laws.

“It’s little wonder that Australians prefer to avoid an industry where Australian wages and conditions are routinely ignored.”

AusVeg rejected the notion of institutional underpayments, saying any producer who provides an illegal wage is undercutting the industry.

“We’ve been really clear in that if there is any illegal activity, or any evidence of illegal activity, then there’s a process there for the Fair Work Ombudsman, border force or the police to call it out,” Mr Cattle told

“And growers want it called out, there’s no qualms about that because if they are underpaying workers then it distorts the market.”

Originally published as Coronavirus restrictions leave 26,000 fruit picking jobs unfilled

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