
Boss sends hilarious response to hung-over worker who tried to phone in sick on his day off

WHAT day is it? That’s the first question this booze hound should have asked himself before dialling his boss.

Yeah, maybe check what day it is first.
Yeah, maybe check what day it is first.

WHAT day is it?

That’s the first question this booze hound should have asked himself before dialling his boss.

A social media post by a Scottish landscape gardener who tried to chuck a sickie has gone viral, after the heavy-drinking lad texted his employer asking for the day off, even though it was still the weekend.

Mark McLelland woke up on what he thought was Monday morning feeling hung-over after two nights of heavy boozing, The Sun reports.

After spending Friday and Saturday partying, the 20-year-old texted his boss Greig pleading a case of “the runs”.

But there was no sympathy to be found, as Greig dismissed his excuse as the “worst he’d ever heard”.

He then put the worker in his place, writing: “It’s Sunday ya f****** weapon”.

According to Urban Dictionary, the British pejorative slang term “weapon” refers to a person who is foolish, of low intelligence and/or “such a liability when drunk they’re a danger to the reputation of themselves and the people they’re with”.

Mr McLelland tweeted a screenshot of the conversation along with the caption: “When you wake up thinking it’s Monday morning and text your gaffer [boss] wanting a day off.”

It has since had more than 19,000 likes and more than 50,000 retweets.

In the initial text, Mark said: “Greig is it awryt if a can take a holiday the day mate av got the runs man”.

But Greig replies: “1 — you need to come up with a better excuse than the runs, that’s the worst ever.

“2 — it’s Sunday ya f****** weapon.”

Mr McLelland explained the mix-up, writing: “I was at a party on the Friday and I carried on drinking through to the Saturday and I had lost track of what day it was.

“I woke up thinking it was Monday and I couldn’t get out bed so the first thing that came to my mind was the runs.

“I never expected that reply but we usually get on well in work so we both saw the funny side to it.”

Social media users have called the exchange “the best thing ever”.

Ashley Graham said: “Best reply I have ever saw made my day this”, while Kristian Jones wrote: “Love that bit ‘ya f****** weapon’”.

The first Monday in February has been dubbed “National Sickie Day” in the United Kingdom, where the combination of a Monday and the chill of winter mean about 350,000 people typically call in sick for work.

This article first appeared at The Sun and is reproduced here with permission.

Originally published as Boss sends hilarious response to hung-over worker who tried to phone in sick on his day off

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