Aussies warned as hopes of rate cut fade
More pain could be on the way for mortgage holders and the Albanese government, with an all-important data release tipped to show ‘persistent inflation’ in the economy.
More pain could be on the way for mortgage holders and the Albanese government, with an all-important data release tipped to show ‘persistent inflation’ in the economy.
Australians’ changing driving habits have revealed the shocking reality behind the nation’s cost of living crisis.
The Australian sharemarket slumped into a sea of red on Thursday as a gruesome tech rout on Wall St crippled confidence.
Anthony Albanese says a respected forecaster’s latest report pointing to a ‘fork in the road’ moment for the economy has endorsed his government’s policies.
New figures have revealed a surprising detail about Aussie homeowners as an expert warns that 2024 could be dire.
A new property market report has painted a grim picture for Aussie house prices in 2024, with one expert warning the market could be “fragmented”.
Homelessness services helping struggling Aussies are at “snapping point” as continued rent hikes keep forcing people to seek alternative options.
As new data showed the economy “hit the wall” in the September quarter, traders ramped up their bets the RBA would start cutting rates, sending the share market higher.
A surge in mortgage repayments, a jump in the income tax take and still-high inflation dragged household spending to a halt in the September quarter.
High interest rates, soaring material costs and an insolvency crisis in the building industry have delivered a fresh blow in Australia’s housing crisis.
The RBA has made its final decision for the year, delivering a surprise move after last month’s rise which saw homeowners across the country lumped with mortgage pain.
As household borrowers breathed a sigh of relief as the RBA held off on another rate hike, the Aussie share market had its worst daily result in more than a month.
Rental prices in Australia are expected to climb throughout next year but one capital city in particular may see a rise of almost 10 per cent.
While household borrowers were spared at the central bank’s final meeting of the year, further rate pain could be right around the corner, economists warned.
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