
2020 race: Bernie Sanders vows his followers will back Joe Biden

Bernie Sander’s public vow of support comes ahead of the most important week yet for Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Bernie Sanders says his supporters will back Joe Biden. Picture: AFP)
Bernie Sanders says his supporters will back Joe Biden. Picture: AFP)

Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders says his left wing followers will back Joe Biden’s campaign despite policy differences as the Democrats seek to portray a unified front ahead of the party’s National Convention.

His comments come ahead of the most important week yet for Mr Biden and the Democrats as the party launches its four night virtual Democratic National Convention on Tuesday (AEST) where Mr Biden will accept the nomination.

It comes when Mr Biden enjoys a solid but not unbeatable lead over Donald Trump at a time when the country is reeling from the coronavirus pandemic, an economic recession and civil unrest.

Because of the pandemic, the convention will be conducted virtually from locations around the country with Mr Biden and others making speeches without the packed arenas, balloons and political hoopla of a traditional nominating convention.

Senator Sanders, a leader of the party’s left who ran unsuccessfully against Mr Biden, has signalled that his progressive followers will support Mr Biden despite his more moderate policy platform.

“The overwhelming majority of progressives understand that it is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump be defeated,” Senator Sanders said.

“A lot of my supporters are not enthusiastic about Joe Biden. You know why? I ran against Joe Biden.

“But I think there is overwhelming understanding that Donald Trump must be defeated, Biden must be elected. And that the day after he’s elected we’re going to do everything we can to create a government that works for all of us and not the one per cent and wealthy campaign contributors.”

The 78-year-old Vermont senator vowed to “do anything I can” to defeat Mr Trump in November.

Senator Sanders’ open support for Mr Biden contrasts with the 2016 Democrat convention when there were ongoing tensions between Senator Sanders and the party’s nominee Hillary Clinton after their bruising primaries race.

Senator Sanders, who will give a speech to the opening night of the convention on Tuesday, also backed Mr Biden’s choice of California Senator Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate, saying she was “incredibly smart (and) incredibly tough.”

“I think she’s an asset for the Biden campaign, and I think she’s going to do great on the campaign trail,” he said.

His comments were aimed at some left wing Democrats who expressed reservations about Ms Harris because of her tough-on-crime reputation when she was California Attorney-General.

A new Washington Post-ABC News Poll found Ms Harris to be a popular choice, with 54 per cent of Americans approving Mr Biden’s choice while 29 per cent disapprove and 17 per cent have no opinion.

The Democrat convention comes at a time when new polls show Mr Biden holding a slightly larger lead over Mr Trump than Ms Clinton did at this time in the election cycle.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll showed Mr Biden leading Mr Trump among registered voters by 50 per cent to 41 per cent, slightly less than Mr Biden’s 11 point lead a month ago.

According to the RealClear Politics average of polls Mr Biden holds a 7.9 point lead nationally, 49.8 to 41.9. This compares with a six-point lead to Ms Clinton at the same stage of the 2016 campaign which she went on to lose.

But WSJ/NBC poll also shows there is little widespread enthusiasm for Mr Biden’s candidacy with 58 per cent of those who support Mr Biden saying their vote is more in opposition to Mr Trump than in favour of their chosen candidate.

With no crowds and no central geographic location the convention will be a made-for-television event with a series of speeches and pre-recorded videos over two hours each night.

“At a regular convention, audience reaction is a huge part of the speeches,” Andrew Binns, the event’s chief operating officer said. “We needed a way to do that technologically and virtually.”

The event will feature a who’s who of the Democrat party with speeches from Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Senator Sanders and several other former presidential contenders such Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang and Amy Klobuchar.

Mr Biden will give his nomination speech on Friday (AEST)

The event will feature musical performances from artists such as The Dixie Chicks – now renamed The Chicks – as well as Leon Bridges, Billy Porter, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Hudson and Prince Royce.

Cameron Stewart is also US Contributor for Sky News Australia

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