
Leaked report reveals ‘unhealthy’ workplace culture at Tourism Tasmania

‘Unhealthy’ workplace culture at Tasmania’s peak tourism body marked by ‘ASIO’-like secrecy.

Several staff members have told The Australian the unhealthy work culture at Tourism Tasmania described in the report was still accurate and the situation had not improved since it was provided to senior management in 2016 Picture: Supplied
Several staff members have told The Australian the unhealthy work culture at Tourism Tasmania described in the report was still accurate and the situation had not improved since it was provided to senior management in 2016 Picture: Supplied

The agency charged with promoting Tasmania as a tourism destination is "at risk" from a poor internal culture marked by a "boys' club", inefficiencies and "ASIO”-like secrecy, according to a leaked report.

Compiled by an external consultant and based on interviews with staff, the confidential report paints a bleak picture of an organisation marked by division, inefficiency, decision paralysis and a disconnect between senior bosses and staff.

A number of staff canvassed in the BC Learning Solutions Pty Ltd report complained of a “boys’/blokes’ club”.

Comments from staff included: “They have nicknames for each other and this doesn’t sound professional”; that they were “always talking about golf, which is especially frustrating when we’re busy trying to meet deadlines”.

“Their style of communication is sometimes intimidating,” said one staff member, with other comments from staff including: “We are told, not asked”; “they speak rudely to us in front of others”; “One … will rant, be accusatory and belittle staff”.

The report was presented to Tourism Tasmania’s chief executive in June 2016 by consultant Bronwyn Cross, who endorsed much of the response from staff as “practical, reasonable”, saying “in a majority of cases” concerns “could feasibly be addressed” within months.

Several staff members told The Australian the unhealthy work culture at TT described in the report was still accurate and the situation had not improved since it was provided to senior management.

The leaking of the report to The Australian and at least one other media outlet comes after The Australian revealed TT had bungled a $1m-plus publicity stunt planned for Sydney Harbour this past winter.

TT cancelled the “winter activation” after an analysis belatedly concluded it did not provide adequate return on investment.

The Australian understands TT has lost up to $300,000 as a result, in payments to companies engaged in relation to the event that cannot be recovered. TT has said it is still in negotiation to seek return of some funds and is unable to say how much will be lost.

TT chief executive John Fitzgerald defended the organisation’s culture. “We have a strong and high-performing team that is delivering results, and like many organisations, cultural surveys are a standard business practice undertaken to inform continuous improvement,” Mr Fitzgerald said.

“Since that report was undertaken in 2016 there have been a number of internal changes, including senior leadership members and improved business processes.”

The report quotes a staff member as saying: “The organisation is at risk. If there is a major change in the market, we are not ready to respond. Organisation structure is inefficient and cumbersome.”

Others complain that tasks are outsourced to “mitigate risk”, ignoring internal talent, while there is a “culture of secrecy”. “We’re tourism, not ASIO!” one complained.

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