WALKING PROGRAMHealthWhen Bev Donovan lost her mother she fell into a depressive spiral that saw her reach a weight of 185kg and risk heart failure. Her journey home brought her back to good health.
SUMMER FITNESSHealthIf you’re inspired to make this your best year yet, the advice is to make continual small but important changes that become daily habits.
healthHealthIn less than two hours, Geoff Lester went from seemingly fit and healthy to being told he would die without immediate surgery. Exercise has been crucial to his recovery.
SUMMER FITNESSHealthWalking is great for your heart health, but incorporating interval training and reducing sedentary time can deliver even greater returns with every step.
Did I just imagine that? Here among the snorters, meat-slappers and moaning joggers were two strangers, partaking in an exchange of kind words, witnessed by no one else in the world.
Summer fitnessHealthIt’s an unassuming exercise, but walking can be great for your health. Here are some tips to get you started.
WISHFitnessThe simple act of walking in nature is being hailed as a health booster for everyone from Gen Z to Boomers and beyond.
Set the paceFitnessThere’s no need to join a gym when walking is a great way to get fit for free. Try these simple techniques to optimise the benefits of your daily walk.
Peta Bee
Walking alone at night in the bush can be a beautiful experience. But for women it’s often fraught, and that feels unfair.
FitnessA harbourside hike takes in urban wilderness and links to the land’s ancestral past.