
It's Cancer season: Make that major life decision

Happy Birthday to the sweet yet tenacious sign of Cancer, who begins its birthday dance around the Sun from the 21st of June until July 21st.

Happy Birthday to the sweet yet tenacious sign of Cancer, who begins its birthday dance around the Sun from the 21st of June until July 21st.

At its very core, Cancer is a nurturer, bringing people together under any means necessary, to make sure they have a safe and warm haven to retreat to. Influenced by the lunar phases, as Cancer is ruled by the Moon, this water sign has loads of gentle patience and a special type of tranquility that permeates through every part of their character. 

With a peculiar sense of humour, Cancers pick up friends wherever they go. They are curious about emotions, always making time to delve deep into the conversation - how are you really? 

Many a meditative moment arrives throughout Cancer season, but this week with the Moon in Aries merging with Chiron, the wounded healer, we must first conquer a major life decision. There is sudden freedom after a prolonged hesitation, and you can’t (and won’t) sit around wishing and waiting. Overall, we’re feeling light-hearted, ready to leap from our safety net to connect with like-minded people. Water is the most mysterious element in the zodiac, let your dreams run wild within your reality, and see what unfolds. 

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” 

― Anais Nin

♈️ Aries: March 20 - April 19

The Sun’s move into Cancer is shining a light on your 4th house of family and domestic foundation. A holiday with relatives may be on the cards and this is bringing up feelings to do with belonging and security. Cultivate a sense of peace around your own four walls, by not rushing to react. 

♉️ Taurus: April 20 - May 20

The Sun’s move into Cancer illuminates your 3rd house of communication and career opportunity. You may be busier than usual, tying up loose ends that have to do with work or community. Something has erupted in your emotional life, pushing you to hit the pause button on a relationship or romantic endeavour. 

♊️ Gemini: May 21 - June 20

The Sun in Cancer is highlighting your 2nd house of finances for the next 4 weeks. More so than usual, you are drawn toward the materialistic, the luxurious - you need to feel a sense of security and comfort to flourish. business-wise you may be time-poor delegate necessary work and lead from within the team. 

♋Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Birthday time is always eventful. This year is no different, as the Sun moves into your 1st house of image and reputation, giving other people something to talk about. You’re feeling secure taking big risks, as most often in your life, that is what brings big rewards. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for someone else’s - articulate your needs. 

♌️ Leo: July 23 - August 22

The Sun in Cancer illuminates your 12th house of private thoughts. Reflecting on old memories is a big part of this 4-week cycle, sudden realisations and awkward truths will no doubt come up. You wish to recoil and recharge your batteries and focus your energy on dreaming rather than doing. 

♍️ VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

While some people are winding down, you find yourself busy with social gatherings and invites. The Sun in Cancer illuminates your 11th house of friendship, placing you right in the middle of a networking drama. Brush off unnecessary gossip, and thank your circle of friends for being by your side over a tumultuous few weeks. 

♎️ LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

The Sun’s move into Cancer is shining a light on your 10th house of career and academic progress. It may feel like a slow burn but big things are happening and you are more than competent to fulfil the duties required. You seek recognition from authority figures, a good deed never goes unnoticed!

♏️ Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

The Sun in Cancer spotlights your 9th house of philosophical thought. There is a sense of wonder in the air, as you try and decipher how you got so lucky. No doubt the situation you are now in is due to plenty of hours of dedicated hard work. Pat yourself on the back and recognise how well you’re going. 

♐️ Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You’re eager to step back from all the hustle and bustle and relax in the privacy of your own home. It makes sense, as Cancer has moved into your complex 8th house of intimate retreat. Wallowing in your emotions doesn’t happen often for you, so when it does, it means there are healing lessons to contend with. Explore what comes up over the next weeks ahead.

♑️ Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Your opposite sign, Cancer has moved into your committed 7th house of relationships. This time of the year always focuses on self-mastery through the eyes of people who know you and love you. Spending more time with family, children, and your romantic interest is at the top of your agenda. Leave work at the door before coming home. 

♒️ Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

The Sun in Cancer shifts in your 6th house of routine and health for the next 4 weeks, adjusting your schedule. If you have been feeling rather separate from your usual ‘happy-go-lucky’ self, now is the time to look at making improvements by way of exercise, meditation, and green juices. It's the small things that make the biggest difference. 

♓️ Pisces: February 19 - March 19

The Sun in Cancer transit is harmonious for you, as you both share the same element of water. Accentuating your playful and emotional 5th house, it's evident you are navigating unusual terrain to do with family, children, or romance. It will be imperative to say how you feel, expression is the key to the 5th house - no one can read your mind! 

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