
Here's what's in store this Leo New Moon

We can zero in on a new opportunity or desire, manifesting and setting intentions for the next 4 weeks ahead.

We can zero in on a new opportunity or desire, manifesting and setting intentions for the next 4 weeks ahead.

A fiery, passionate, and lively Leo New Moon arrives on the 28th of July. Forming a lucky trine to Jupiter in Aries, we feel the full effect of the optimistic and supportive energies that are pulling us toward something positive regardless of what our daily life entails.

Our personal lives and family relationships are important during this time, taking on many pleasant qualities. We may hear of good news to do with a sibling, welcome a child into the fold, or see the potential in a reconciliation. The days radiate with creativity and imagination, were quick to forgive and ready to laugh at our own expense. Sometimes life really does feel light-hearted and responsive to our plight.

However that same day, we also have a pesky Mercury square Uranus transit, overwhelming our physical body with nervous thoughts. We must accept both the negative and positive aspects of this Leo Moon, as with anything in life, it’s an acknowledgment that nothing is perfect.

Yet, we can overcome it and soldier on. Uranus serves to shock and awaken, it is a progressive planet with very independent and far-out ideas. Mercury seeks to understand, to grasp a wide variety of topics, and make an opinion that is not swayed by others. Together, in a tense square, we can feel scattered - hopping from one conversation to another, appearing rather peculiar to the audience at hand.

We may have a superiority complex at work that is heightened at this time, as we come face to face with a boss or colleague. Friends can be hard to juggle or perhaps we realise just how toxic someone is. Dramatic insights appear like light bulb moments, forcing us to operate rather unusually. 

A New Moon is always a beginning, an invitation, a fresh start. We can zero in on a new opportunity or desire, manifesting and setting intentions for the next 4 weeks ahead. Merging with the Sun in Leo, this lunation can leave us feeling confident within our abilities. We shine bright when we are present - our collective wisdom is evidence of that. Pat yourself on the back when you feel you’ve done well - don’t wait for someone else to make you feel worthy! 

“It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.” - Ram Dass

♈️ Aries: March 20 - April 19

A fiery and fun Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 5th house. You crave approval from friends or family, especially if making a decision on a romantic relationship. This Moon can also play an important role in your career, by turning a creative venture or hobby into something more credible. You’ve got great personal charm now, use it to your advantage! 

♉️  Taurus: April 20 - May 20

A fiery and fun Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 4th house. Feelings of security can be explored with a family member who asks some hard-hitting (albeit necessary) questions. You can feel rather emotional toward the people in your life and this is clearly signaling a time of growth and renewal for you personally. Try not to take everything so seriously, let go of past hurt that keeps you pent up inside. 

♊️  Gemini: May 21 - June 20

A vibrant and lively Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 3rd house. It’s a favourable time for developing rapport with work colleagues or long-ago friends. You feel at ease with large groups of people, charming them with your eloquence. The money you make and the resources you have are big topics in this time too, do you let that define your self-worth? Much will be uncovered. 

♋️  Cancer: June 21 - July 22

A fiery and fun Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 2nd house. Financial issues come into focus now, especially if they’ve been hidden from you over the last 4 weeks. You’re inspired by the tangible, by the opulence of beauty and art. There can be some commotion over what’s yours versus what belongs to another. Try not to be greedy or selfish, it’s not a good look, especially for a relatively new partnership. 

♌️  Leo: July 23 - August 22

A very powerful New Moon aligns with the Sun in your sign, bringing plenty of attention and enthusiasm your way. As birthday season commences, your 1st house is accentuated presenting you to the public in a dignified way. You appear royal in some way, a cut above the rest - friends and admirers can’t help but notice! The 1st house activates unparallelled direction in career, focusing energy on your appearance, confidence and personal prowess. 

♍️  VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

A vibrant and lively Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 12th house. There is a deep awareness building in you, making you mindful of a friend or lover’s rising sadness. You are fulfilled by just being there - by being of service to people who need it most. There is an element of retreat and reflection to this time, lean into soulful memories that make you smile. 

♎️  LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

A vibrant and lively Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 11th house. Networking, socialising, dining and drinking is big this week, pushing you to spend more time outside of the home. Through some sort of past affiliation, an inspiring project is brought into your reality. You can manifest grand ideas if you think outside the box and engage with your abstract side. 

♏️  Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

A fiery and fun Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 10th house. Professional reputation is being scrutinised at this time and you may feel under the pump with so many responsibilities. If you’ve been longing for a change in career, now is a great time to set intentions for the next 6 months. What can you accept in a workplace? What are some non-negotiables? The clearer you can be, the easier it will manifest. 

♐️  Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

A fiery and fun Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 9th house. There is a spiritual feel to whatever it is you’re going through at this time. For some, revisiting family and far away homes after two years can feel emotionally perplexing. Much has changed, but perhaps, most of all it is you who has grown and matured. There is something you need to experience now, be fully present as you engage. 

♑️  Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

A vibrant and lively Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 8th house. Secrets can come out under this lunation, especially if you’ve tied your self-worth to your financial position (or lack thereof). This is a very deep placement, meaning you will find out some fundamental truths about your life and the people in it. Don’t turn away from big questions and even bigger answers, there is a purpose to this time. 

♒️  Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

A fiery and fun Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 7th house. Mutually supportive relationships are at the forefront of your mind for now, and its clear to you that it's time to cut some toxic people! You may be resolving an on-going love issue with a partner, finally coming together to see the light at the end of a long tunnel. Rejoice in the commitment you both showed one another. 

♓️  Pisces: February 19 - March 19

A vibrant and lively Leo New Moon aligns with the Sun in your 6th house. You are efficient, moving through chores with lightning speed. Looking after your health should be a priority, take a moment to re-compose yourself, especially if kids or partners are making life a little overwhelming. Critical thinking is required to make a work project come out on top. 

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