
A message from the stars: get out of your own head!

Book in that pinot and Picasso because this week creativity is in your favour.

The ~energy~ is fun and flirty this week.

This week, the Sun in Gemini merges with the New Moon in Gemini. The energy is very tangible, flirty and fun.

By nature, Gemini is curious - we want to snoop around and gather up information to see what we can make of it. From this, something unique may surface this week and make us rethink.

But beware, miscommunication is likely with friends or lovers. Try to get out of your own head and live in the moment!

‘Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form.’ - Karl Marx

Aries: March 20 - April 19

You are the main character of a much grander story. This week, you will see the path illuminated and you’ll be required to step up. With Mars (and Jupiter) now in your sign, it's time to confidently assess business dealings and partnership issues. Until early July, you have the backing of this enthusiastic and fiery planet. Expressing yourself honestly with tact and grace is a masterful skill. The New Moon is powerful in your third house of communication. 

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

If an opportunity comes along that seems too good to be true, this week is the time to take a leap and see for yourself. Mars in Aries gets comfortable in your quiet and reflective 12th house, rehashing personal situations that have caused a little grief. You can replenish your own happiness by being out in nature, connecting to music or art. The New Moon is dynamic in Gemini, crushing your second house of finances. 

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

The week has a theatrical flair to it, and you stand to gain most from the audience. The Sun and Moon in your sign are powerful, allowing you to concentrate on dreams within career and home. Mars and Jupiter in Aries are friendly, focused on your 11th house of connection. Social outings give you something to talk about and you’re motivated by people who seem to be doing ‘better’ than you. Don’t draw comparisons, you’re in your own lane! 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Birthday season is fast approaching, so you’re considering revising long term goals and plans. Mars and Jupiter are situated in your 10th house of career. You may be highly focused on your professional outlook and many of you could be travelling far and wide for your craft. This energy always brings openings and good fortune, following the clues that present themselves. The New Moon is big on reflection and restoration, as it shifts into your emotional 12th house. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You feel the need to defend someone in your life. Although noble of you, it may be better to just sit and observe for the time being. The Gemini New Moon merges with the Sun in your social 11th house, encouraging you to go out and play. Mars in Aries bodes well for you, and you’re enthused by love or recent romances. Jupiter joins Mars in your 9th house, because of this, there is a very philosophical, spiritual element to your life. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

This week, you’ve got to rearrange certain feelings - you just don’t have the time or mental capacity to deal with large emotions. In business, you’re challenged to remain calm. A new space or colleague may require your full attention. Exciting things are taking place creatively, and you are passionate about the work you’re doing. Love needs self-acceptance and understanding, start with yourself first. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Mars and Jupiter dance in your desirable 7th house of commitment. You are romancing the idea of someone or something, and as long as you know the grass isn’t always greener - it could be time to give it a shot. The New Moon in Gemini harmonises with your sign, in your knowledgeable 9th house of philosophy. The key to success will be an open and objective mind. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Take advantage of the prime opportunity that presents itself this week. The Sun and Moon in Gemini facility abstract thoughts and ideas, that help push projects and collaborations along. You are different, you have something unique to offer, encourage yourself! Mars and Jupiter in Aries push you to look at health. The 6th house is accentuated all month, self-care should be the priority. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

There is chaos but there is also beauty. The New Moon in Gemini encourages the theme of love in your life, as it enters your 7th house of commitment. You are trying to be a better, more refined version of yourself - so that you can please a lover or friend. Ask yourself if they are doing the same? It takes two. This week Mars and Jupiter harmonise in Aries, in your 5th house of creativity. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You don’t have the energy this week to hear someone say ‘I told you so’. In business, you’re backed up against a wall, but don’t worry, by the end of the week you’ll see things in a different light. The New Moon in Gemini shifts into your 6th house of wellness, revealing a refreshing perspective. Mars and Jupiter join in your domestic 4th house, focusing on family strengths and weaknesses. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Mars and Jupiter in your quirky and communicative 3rd house push you to ask some tough questions. A friend or lover may not be quite ready for it, but you want to get something of your mind. The New Moon in Gemini works its magic on you, by entering your romantic and tender 5th house. Relationships are a big motivation to do better. Embrace uncharted territory. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 19

Holding onto the past diminishes the opportunities that present themselves today. There is a certain magic to new beginnings and this is perfectly timed with the New Moon phase in Gemini. Occurring in your 4th house of family, you’re attracted to comfort and security. Remaining a homebody is high on your priority list, but don’t forget to weave a little love and positivity into that experience, for everyone involved - not just yourself. 

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