
Fridge hacks that will change your life

Fridge hacks to maximise storage, minimise waste, and keep your produce fresh.

Fridge hacks to maximise storage, minimise waste, and keep your produce fresh.

Sometimes life feels resolutely out of control. Maybe your relationship is failing, or work is driving you round the bend. Now, you could confront these things pragmatically, alternatively, you could ignore your failing personal life and hyper-fixate on organising your fridge. 

With the economy in the shitter, we need food to last longer. But we shouldn’t have to compromise on our standards. So, here are a bunch of fridge hacks that we hope bring you some kind of satisfaction.

Let your produce breathe

Take your fruit and vegetables out of any plastic wrapping or produce bags before putting them in the fridge. It helps with airflow so the fruit won’t get too ripe before you eat, it or develop mould. Also, keep your ‘hard’ fruit (apples, pears, etc) out on the counter and your ‘soft’ fruit (mangos, berries, etc) in the fridge. 

Keep herbs fresh

Mason jars are so much more than wedding decor for fresh out of high school newlyweds, they’re excellent for preserving tender herbs (basil, chives, cilantro, dill, mint, parsley, tarragon, etc). Clip off the bottom of the stems and remove any wilted or brown leaves. Put the herbs in a mason jar with an inch of water at the bottom, like a piquant bouquet of flowers. Change the water every few days.  

Keep your citrus in the fridge

We can’t deny the kitsch loveliness of displaying lemons and limes on the kitchen countertop, but they’ll last much longer (up to a month!) if you store them in the fridge, sealed in a bag, or container with a bit of water. The fruits are porous and dry out quickly when left in the open air. 

The inside door is no place for dairy

Dairy products like milk, cream and cheese, and eggs, shouldn’t be stored on the inside door of the fridge. The temperature fluctuates too much, and these products fare better in a spot with a consistently cold temperature — like the top shelf of the fridge. 

Tupperware is great, actually 

It feels obvious, but investing in exquisite Tupperware does wonders for the state of your fridge and mind. Rid yourself of the shame of stealthily slotting your meal prep into the work fridge and hoping no one notices your uninspiring red sauce-stained takeaway container. 

Alternatively, a storage system

Don't make me write with passion about storage systems. You know how dire an unorganised fridge is. Fix it.

Keep your citrus in the fridge

We can’t deny the kitsch loveliness of displaying lemons and limes on the kitchen countertop, but they’ll last much longer (up to a month!) if you store them in the fridge, sealed in a bag, or container with a bit of water. The fruits are porous and dry out quickly when left in the open air. 

Line your shelves

Deconstructing your fridge shelf by shelf to clean is a nag. A deep clean now and then is wondrous (and essential), but it’s not an everyday practice, and sometimes you just want to freshen up. Lining your fridge with a water-resistant liner is a gamechanger. Get it in a cute pattern for a little zsa zsa zsu.

DII Fridge Liner, purchase on Amazon.
DII Fridge Liner, purchase on Amazon.

Frozen vegetables

This isn’t a fridge hack but a plea for you to give frozen vegetables a chance. So many friends fear frozen veg. In this economy, they’re your best friend. Plus, snap frozen vegetables often contain more nutrients because they’re frozen in their prime, and vitamin and mineral depletion occurs with age. A bag of frozen broccoli will take you farther, and take up less space, than a fresh head.

Consider your condiments

When was the last time you did a condiments spring clean? You’ve probably got a few jars festering away that you know in your heart of hearts you’ll never use again. Perhaps a jar of capers that have sat there so long they’ve become sentient. We get it, throwing food away feels wasteful, but sometimes you’ve got to be a bad person. 

Lazy Susan

You’ve annexed the condiments without star potential, now it’s time to let those that remain shine. Enter the Lazy Susan. Chuck it in your pantry to organise your spices, and in your fridge to organise your hot sauce — no more knocking bottles over in the reach. This one is great because the non-slip grip keeps the bottles upright. 

Food Huggers

Admittedly, I thought these were a total scam, it took a housemate with a love for all things chintz to show me the light. Food huggers are an alternative to single-use foil and plastic wrap, that ensures your food lasts longer. Pop em’ on to your fruit, vegetables, glasses, and bottles. Shop here.

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