
Danny Green’s power versus Anthony Mundine’s speed

What will be the deciding factor in their fight tonight in Adelaide? Green says his power. Mundine says his speed.

Danny Green and Anthony Mundine after yesterday’s weigh-in at Adelaide Oval. Picture: Sarah Reed
Danny Green and Anthony Mundine after yesterday’s weigh-in at Adelaide Oval. Picture: Sarah Reed

BOXING: Wash away the bad blood. Shut down sideshow alley. Forget the trash talk between Anthony Mundine and Danny Green. Just what will be the deciding factor in tonight’s fight in Adelaide?

Green says his power; Mundine says his speed.

Green, 43, and Mundine, 41, maintain they still have their signature traits.

“My power is still there,” said Green, who is seeking to make belated amends for his 2006 loss to Mundine.

And Mundine knows it. In what he describes as “one last dance” for the esteemed Australian boxers, Mundine says he’ll be hunted by a raging bull.

“I will be like a matador at times,” Mundine said. “But I know I’m going to have to fight at times, fight him off me. I’m not only just a boxer, I’m a good fighter when I need to fight.”

Green pledged to follow his career script: seek a knockout in an early onslaught.

“We know he’s expecting me to come out hard early and try and put him away,” Green said.

But Mundine believes he’ll be hard to tag, just like 11 years ago when he won a unanimous points decision in Sydney.

“When we first fought, I believed that was pretty much in our prime,” Mundine said, adding recent hip surgery had him feeling half his age.

“People don’t understand how bad my hip was for the last seven, eight years — the last two years, it just declined so much I thought my career was over.

“I didn’t want to get surgery because you don’t ever know how it was going to turn out — you always had that doubt.”

But post-surgery, Mundine was bubbling again about boxing. “I haven’t looked back, man. Seriously, I feel 20 again. I feel like I can fight another five, six years if I want,” he said.

That won’t happen. Green and Mundine are unlikely to ever fight again after collecting one massive last payday, reportedly as much as $10 million each.

“This will be our last fight,” Green said. “Choc ain’t fighting after this. I’m not fighting after this. This is it.”

Then, their feud could even end in friendship.

“As long as he doesn’t bring any of his knob mates, as long as he leaves the pinheads at home, then yeah, cool,” Green said of the prospect of becoming friendly with Mundine.

“If he can put me in some really good fishing spots that he knows, sweet. I’ll come in the boat.”

Mundine: “No beers, man.” Green: “No problems.”


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