
Growing trade in the Pilbara

The Port of Pilbara has set another world record for throughput for a bulk expert port authority.

The Pilbara Port Authority has set another world record for throughput for a bulk export poprt authority.
The Pilbara Port Authority has set another world record for throughput for a bulk export poprt authority.

Pilbara Ports Authority (PPA) has set another world record for throughput for a bulk export port authority, reporting a total throughput of 724.7 million tonnes across the ports of Ashburton, Dampier and Port Hedland during 2020-21.

A frequent question of PPA is whether it can continue to increase throughput, and the answer is emphatically, yes. PPA is pursuing a two-pronged approach to meet the demand for port services: using technology to load more product onto vessels; and planning for new infrastructure across its ports.

To meet the ongoing demand for capacity at the Port of Port Hedland, cutting-edge technologies have been introduced to increase capacity without the need to build more berths. Dynamic Under Keel Clearance (DUKC) has moved the port from a conservative under-keel calculation to a real-time calculation based on tides and weather.

The introduction of DUKC means shippers can safely load more product onto each vessel.

In 2015, the cargo vessel Abigail N loaded 254,000 tonnes of iron ore but, after the introduction of DUKC, could confidently load up to 266,000 tonnes. The Abigail N, and other capesize vessels at the port, sail with drafts of up to 19.95m, and have an under-keel clearance of about 90cm. There are further projects under way to reduce under-keel clearance by another 10cm.

Roger Johnston is chief executive of Pilbara Ports Authority.
Roger Johnston is chief executive of Pilbara Ports Authority.

But technology alone won’t be enough for PPA to meet its customers’ growth plans, and there are plans for new or improved infrastructure at each of PPA’s ports. These plans are captured in the Pilbara Port Capacity project, which is featured in Infrastructure Australia’s 2021 Infrastructure Priority List.

The Pilbara Port Capacity project proposes increasing multi-user capacity at each of the Authority’s ports to meet growing demand for general cargo. Options include making better use of the existing infrastructure, major upgrades to facilities or developing new infrastructure. It could also include developing new land for port activities and landside improvements, such as a logistics hub or road access upgrades.

The Port of Ashburton is fully operational and the Ashburton Cargo Wharf continues to be used mainly to facilitate the husbandry requirements of the Svitzer tug fleet. The proposed infrastructure project at the port is the Ashburton Eastern Jetty Deep Water Berth Project. PPA is also working on developing infrastructure at the port for a transshipping iron ore project. Attention is being given to the location and layout of the export facilities to ensure there is no compromise to other port users.

Opportunities being considered at the Port of Dampier include an extension to the Dampier Cargo Wharf and Landside Redevelopment Project. As part of this project, PPA is also investigating the development of a new multi-product land-backed wharf south of the DCW, which would facilitate a proposed urea project on the Burrup Peninsula. A geotechnical investigation and designs have been completed in support of the new wharf. Infrastructure options and scenarios are being developed for the DCW to determine a preferred investment strategy for the facility, with an outcome expected by early 2022.

At the Port of Port Hedland, work is under way at the Lumsden Point General Cargo Facility which will support growth and diversification of the general cargo trade and provide broader economic benefits to the Pilbara region.

While the ultimate development of the Lumsden facility is yet to be realised, PPA has been assisting with the development of a temporary Materials Off-loading Facility within the approved design footprint to facilitate the unloading of project cargo.

Marine works to develop the facility began in May 2021, building on previously completed dredging and reclamation, and will include a single berth, a causeway that connects to a port access road and leasehold areas.

When the marine works are completed, there will be opportunities for industry to progress warehousing facilities, chemical or fuel storage, mineral concentrate storage, quarantine wash bays, container packing and unpacking facilities, laydown and trucking and transport hubs. The temporary facility will be designed so that, in the future, it can be integrated into the Lumsden Point General Cargo Facility as part of Pilbara Ports Authority’s long-term plan to develop this site.

Two other projects are under way at the Port of Port Hedland as part of the state government’s $5.5bn WA Recovery Plan: the $51.2m tug haven upgrade to repair harbour revetments and provide storm shelter for the tugs operating at the port; and a $20m project to repair and upgrade the existing revetments.

Our overall message for our existing and new customers is that the ports of the Pilbara are well-positioned to meet their plans. PPA is planning for where the market is going, and we will continue to cater to the ever-increasing demand for trade out of the Pilbara.


Roger Johnston is chief executive of Pilbara Ports Authority.

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