
Beyond the blazer: the best he can be

The college promotes a culture of rigorous learning, blended with co-curricular activities, to prepare students for a world that values not just intellectual acumen but also practical skills and ­creativity.

Experiencing elation and pride: St Joseph’s College Class of 2023 revels in the culmination of six years of study at their Graduation Assembly.
Experiencing elation and pride: St Joseph’s College Class of 2023 revels in the culmination of six years of study at their Graduation Assembly.

St Joseph’s College’s recent academic achievements epitomise how Joeys boys strive for scholarly success. Achieving an ATAR score of 99.95, the Class of 2023 Dux Benjamin Sestanovic has set a benchmark for excellence and, along with his peers, has made a definitive statement about the college’s commitment to nurturing high-level learners.

Benjamin’s love for languages and his collaborative spirit reflects the college’s strength in fostering a supportive and tailored educational experience. His unique pathway, which saw him excelling in subjects from advanced mathematics to French to Latin, underscores St Joseph’s ability to nurture brilliance through opportunities for accelerated learning and individual attention.

But Joeys is not just about individual accolades. The collective academic prowess of the Class of 2023 is evident with 209 entries on the Distinguished Achievers List and multiple students achieving ATARs above 98. Notably, students such as Finan Maher, who received the state’s top rank for modern history, and Jackson Broad, with a stellar 99.55 ATAR, serve as exemplars of Joeys’ holistic educational approach.

The college promotes a culture of rigorous learning, blended with co-curricular activities, to prepare students for a world that values not just intellectual acumen but also practical skills and ­creativity. As evidenced by another 2023 graduate, Timothy Shu’s early entry into university for computer science, and his contribution back to the school as a ­robotics team mentor, Joeys prepares ­students for diverse futures.

St Joseph’s College prizes academic excellence without compromising on personal growth and development. With a vibrant array of opportunities, the ­college cherishes every student’s unique aspiration. The recent graduates will ­inspire the next generation of Joeys boys to aim high and achieve their dreams, ­reaffirming St Joseph’s College as an ideal destination for aspiring achievers.


Established by the Marist Brothers in 1881, St Joseph’s College – known as Joeys – is a Catholic secondary school for boys. Staff, students and families incorporate the Marist values in all they do, creating an environment in which boys are nurtured to become good men and to realise their potential.

Today, the college is a vibrant home to 1100 students. The boys are at the heart of all we do, and each student receives individual care and attention to ensure his wellbeing. With a long history of excellence in boys’ education, the college provides exceptional opportunities for its students. Our vision is to educate boys for life, learning and leadership for the common good, through our Catholic faith environment and an integrated program of teaching and learning, co-curricular activities and pastoral care. College staff are committed to providing each boy with the highest quality education, care and guidance, working in close partnership with families to ensure boys are given every opportunity to become men of intelligence, leadership, compassion, resilience and faith.

St Joseph’s College is a non-selective school, where we strive to cater for the learning needs and strengths of a broad range of students. This provides each boy with the opportunity and encouragement to realise his potential and be the best he can be. Whether your son is gifted academically, creative at heart, a sports fanatic or a driven all-rounder, he will find his place here at Joeys.

To book a personal college tour, please contact our wonderful admissions manager Mrs Alicia Toogood on +61 2 9816 0922 or

Please complete an admission form at and we will be in touch. For more information, go to

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