
Plibersek may have defended poor male reporters but she’s still struggling with Adani

Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Tanya Plibersek, gives her her address to the National press Club in Canberra. Photo: Gary Ramage
Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Tanya Plibersek, gives her her address to the National press Club in Canberra. Photo: Gary Ramage

Sabra Lane asks Tanya Plibersek a question about Adani. The ABC’s AM compere, yesterday:

How worried are you that the people of Queensland won’t tolerate Labor’s position on this issue?

And somewhere a feminist gets very angry. The Australian’s Greg Brown at the National Press Club in Canberra, Wednesday:

Brown: Thanks for your speech, Ms Plibersek. I also have a question about Adani …

Audience: Boo, boo, boo, hiss, boo, hiss, hiss, boo, boo, hiss, hiss, boo.

Plibersek’s answer to Lane? AM, yesterday:

Nothing’s changed.

Nothing’s changed? Bill Shorten in Melbourne, April 16, 2017:

… we hope that Adani can stack up and there (are) some jobs created through the mining and related infrastructure works.

Something has changed. Shorten in Perth, Monday:

I don't support the Adani project.

The press club may have booed Adani questions, but some women do care about economics. An advert for an International Women’s Day rally in Melbourne, yesterday:

Economic issues will be front and centre, with a special focus on defeating the Australian government’s anti-worker laws.

Luckily for them, the Treasurer cares about International Women’s Day. AM, yesterday:

Lane: I’m joined by the federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison. Mr Morrison, thanks for joining AM.

Scott Morrison: Thank you, happy Women’s Day.

All this women’s talk, what about blokes, huh? Susie O’Brien in the Herald Sun, yesterday:

… all we hear are the blokes banging on about how unfair it is that women have a day to themselves.

Guess what, guys? Wikipedia:

International Men’s Day (IMD) is an annual international event celebrated on 19 November.

The Daily Telegraph takes a look at Greens senator Lee Rhiannon, yesterday:

Millionaire former communist Lee Rhiannon is pocketing close to a weekly average wage when in Canberra … through generous travel entitlements.

Former Labor MP Laurie Ferguson rides to his Greenie comrade’s defence. Ferguson on Twitter, yesterday:

The Telegraph is aggressively hostile to alleged millionaires. if your name is Lee Rhiannon. They pass on the litany of Julie Bishop scandals

A reporter from the Sydney tabloid tweeted Ferguson and informed him that he’d clearly missed this yarn on Julie Bishop. The Daily Telegraph, December 2 last year:

Bishop has become the unofficial ambassador of a luxury jewellery company owned by a Liberal donor without having to declare up to $200,000 worth of jewels she has worn to various public events.

And this one. The Sunday Telegraph, July 2 last year:

Bishop billed taxpayers more than $1600 in flights and accommodation for a trip to Adelaide where she celebrated her 60th birthday with family.

Somebody get Ferguson a subscription to News Corp papers. The Daily Telegraph, December 2, 2015:

Bishop had an empty government VIP jet fly from Canberra to Perth to pick up her and her boyfriend …

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