Plibersek may have defended poor male reporters but she’s still struggling with Adani
Sabra Lane asks Tanya Plibersek a question about Adani. The ABC’s AM compere, yesterday:
How worried are you that the people of Queensland won’t tolerate Labor’s position on this issue?
And somewhere a feminist gets very angry. The Australian’s Greg Brown at the National Press Club in Canberra, Wednesday:
Brown: Thanks for your speech, Ms Plibersek. I also have a question about Adani …
Audience: Boo, boo, boo, hiss, boo, hiss, hiss, boo, boo, hiss, hiss, boo.
Plibersek’s answer to Lane? AM, yesterday:
Nothing’s changed.
Nothing’s changed? Bill Shorten in Melbourne, April 16, 2017:
… we hope that Adani can stack up and there (are) some jobs created through the mining and related infrastructure works.
Something has changed. Shorten in Perth, Monday:
I don't support the Adani project.
The press club may have booed Adani questions, but some women do care about economics. An advert for an International Women’s Day rally in Melbourne, yesterday:
Economic issues will be front and centre, with a special focus on defeating the Australian government’s anti-worker laws.
Luckily for them, the Treasurer cares about International Women’s Day. AM, yesterday:
Lane: I’m joined by the federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison. Mr Morrison, thanks for joining AM.
Scott Morrison: Thank you, happy Women’s Day.
All this women’s talk, what about blokes, huh? Susie O’Brien in the Herald Sun, yesterday:
… all we hear are the blokes banging on about how unfair it is that women have a day to themselves.
Guess what, guys? Wikipedia:
International Men’s Day (IMD) is an annual international event celebrated on 19 November.
The Daily Telegraph takes a look at Greens senator Lee Rhiannon, yesterday:
Millionaire former communist Lee Rhiannon is pocketing close to a weekly average wage when in Canberra … through generous travel entitlements.
Former Labor MP Laurie Ferguson rides to his Greenie comrade’s defence. Ferguson on Twitter, yesterday:
The Telegraph is aggressively hostile to alleged millionaires. if your name is Lee Rhiannon. They pass on the litany of Julie Bishop scandals
A reporter from the Sydney tabloid tweeted Ferguson and informed him that he’d clearly missed this yarn on Julie Bishop. The Daily Telegraph, December 2 last year:
Bishop has become the unofficial ambassador of a luxury jewellery company owned by a Liberal donor without having to declare up to $200,000 worth of jewels she has worn to various public events.
And this one. The Sunday Telegraph, July 2 last year:
Bishop billed taxpayers more than $1600 in flights and accommodation for a trip to Adelaide where she celebrated her 60th birthday with family.
Somebody get Ferguson a subscription to News Corp papers. The Daily Telegraph, December 2, 2015:
Bishop had an empty government VIP jet fly from Canberra to Perth to pick up her and her boyfriend …