More schools are needed, but if they don’t look nice you’ll feel the wrath of Farrelly
Elizabeth Farrelly just perhaps suggesting schools get built underground. The Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday:
… take the new Inner Sydney High School. Climbing all over the old Cleveland Street High in a perfect exemplar of the architectural style known technically as “big dog f..king small dog” it was tolerated in principle, despite shadowing parkland and disrespecting heritage because of the documented need for inner-city schools.
Sorry, could you repeat that last bit?
… because of the documented need for inner-city schools.
Moving along to pluses and minuses with Farrelly:
Sydney’s charming but cramped street system, built tall either side, is overshadowed except at the very height of noon. This can be a blessing. On those superheated, climate-changed February days shadowed streets can be a delight. But in winter it’s a curse.
Farrelly in the SMH on May 19, 2011:
“You must have more splinters in your bum than anyone in journalism,” wrote Paul Keating last week after my plague-on-both-your-houses column. So I must be doing something right. Critiquing both sides might put me in the sin bin, but it doesn’t put me on the fence.
Back to the winter of Farrelly. Is it a curse — or worse?
Sydney’s city centre is a shadowy affair as you know, morally but also physically. This is ironic, given our second-to-none sunshine, yet our photophobic English forebears worked hard to keep it at bay. Thus every colonial house feels permanently cold, as though a ghost were in the room …
Farrelly in the SMH. May 5, 2017:
I have no experience of ghosts. Yet, as we know, everything is energy, and energy does shapeshift in strange and mysterious ways. This is especially true of the wildly under-garlanded emotional relationship that exists between human and home. Hut, house, village, planet; we act as if it’s all just commodity, but that could hardly be further from the truth. Moving house proves it.
From that same Farrelly column, the line that chills Cut & Paste still:
Ghosts? Sure. House is always haunt.
Jeff Kennett on Twitter on Saturday:
Attended the opening night of Harry Potter tonight with my grandson. The production of the show was exceptional. But it reminded me that we owe JK Rowling a massive debt, as she has single-handedly attracted a generation of very young people to read books. Thank you.
Arts writer Steve Dow responding:
Thanks goodness yes particularly when governments like yours took the axe to education funding.
Kennett replying:
Silly fellow. Have a look at the expenditure on education between 1992 and 1999. Then apologise!
The three most popular stories on The Atlantic website yesterday:
Why We Think Cats Are Psychopaths;
The Loud Silence of Mueller’s Manafort Memo;
When Your Child Is a Psychopath.
Daily Beast headline on Saturday:
Can the broken, boring Oscars ever be fixed?
Daily Beast headline yesterday:
Roma will win best picture — and change the Oscars forever.