
Labor and Greens have learned to spot anti-Semitism

Final solution. Katharine Murphy, Guardian Australia, August 14:

Fraser Anning, … a member of the Katter’s Australia party, used his maiden speech … to call for “a plebis­cite to allow the Australian people to decide whether they want wholesale non-English speaking immigrants from the third world, and particularly whether they want any Muslims”. His comments were widely condemned … The senator … (used) the term “final solution” in calling for … (a) plebiscite on the “immigration problem”. “The final solution to the immigration problem, of course, is a popular vote.”

No Nazi words about Muslims! Greens leader Richard Di Natale, press release, August 14:

Fraser Anning’s vile comments … referring to immigrants, particularly Muslim immigrants, with the same language that the Nazis used to discuss the extermination of Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust, is vile, racist, bigoted and has no place in our society, let alone our parliament.

No Nazi words used by Muslims about Jews? NSW parliament, March 15, 2013:

The Hon Shaoquett Moselmane (Labor): I resent members here accusing the (Lebanese) resistance (attacking Israel) of being terrorist groups … Imagine what the response would have been in 1941 or 1942 if we had condemned resistance against Nazi Germany. Guns would have been blazing at us for not resisting Nazi Germany …

Goodbye, and thanks for all the baklava. Andrew Clennell, The Australian, August 14:

The first Muslim MP in the NSW parliament has sparked a row … refusing entry to a respected Jewish leader to a Labor Party multicultural launch. Upper house MP Shaoquett Moselmane refused entry to Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff at the launch of the Labor Union Multicultural Action Committee … last night saying, according to Mr Alhadeff, that he was not a Labor Party member before offering him a baklava on the way out. The baklava was declined. Mr Alhadeff had had an invitation to the … event by Labor general secretary Kaila Murnain and Unions NSW chief Mark Morey.

Hope it’s not because he’s Jewish! Statement from Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, August 13:

It’s disappointing that Mr Alhadeff was refused entry to this meeting when he appeared to have been invited by senior ALP officials. We can only hope this had nothing to do with his background or the community he represents.

Greens well placed to recognise anti-Semitism. Rachel Baxendale, The Australian, May 31:

A Facebook post by Greens MP Adam Bandt … featuring a hook-nosed caricature of a Jewish banker similar to images notoriously published in Nazi-sympathiser newspaper Der Sturmer during the Holocaust … (was) taken down this morning. A spokesman for Mr Bandt said … “some people have been offended by this particular image so we have taken it down. We sincerely apologise for any offence caused” … Labor historian … Nick Dyrenfurth … described Mr Bandt’s apology as a “Clayton’s apology”.

Greens experienced spotting anti-Semitism. Rebecca Urban, The Australian, November 17, last year:

A leading Jewish organisation has accused the Greens of harbouring anti-Semitic attitudes after an alleged party member goaded a Jewish local government councillor with a parcel containing 30 silver coins …(a) racially offensive act symbolising betrayal.

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