How dare Trump bully the Democrat Cherokee Clambake Queen with a DNA test?
Feminist men abuse women, trans men abuse lesbians, barbers forced to give trans buzzcuts.
All the way with DNA! Time, Associated Press, July 6:
(President Trump) referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren (a potential 2020 Democrat presidential candidate) as “Pocahontas” to ridicule her claims of Native American ancestry. … (Trump said he would say to her): “I’ll give you a million dollars for your favourite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take (a DNA) test and it shows you’re an Indian.”
Bully! Sarah Hallam, CNN, July 9:
Warren fired back at … Trump for trying to “bully her to shut her up” … (calling it) an attempt to “bully women all across the country”.
Genetic McCarthyism! James Walsh, The Daily Beast, July 7:
The President is … setting a dangerous precedent … (of) “genetic McCarthyism”.
Or cultural appropriation? Editorial, Boston Herald, July 9:
The President … does have a point. The story (was) broken … in 2012 … In progressive circles, “cultural appropriation” is now well-established in the canon as a high crime … If Liz Warren is a white woman who hijacked the experiences of the Cherokee for personal gain — and she is very wealthy and powerful — that would be naked exploitation of a minority group.
Fauxcahontas dances with crabs. Mark Steyn, Steyn Online, July 6:
How does (Elizabeth Warren) know she’s a Cherokee maiden? … her grandfather’s “high cheekbones” and … her family “lore”. Which was evidently good enough for Harvard Lore School … (which) “hired its first woman of colour, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995”. To the casual observer, Mrs Warren … (is) the whitest white since Frosty the Snowman fell in a vat of Wite-Out. But … in 1984 she submitted … her favourite dishes to the Pow Wow Chow cookbook, a “compilation of recipes passed down through the Five Tribes families” … (including) a crab dish … Mrs Warren’s fictional Cherokee ancestors in Oklahoma were renowned for their ability to spear the fast-moving Oklahoma crab … but then the white man came and now the Oklahoma crab is extinct, and at the Cherokee clambakes they have to make do with Mrs Warren’s traditional Five Tribes recipe for Cherokee Lime Pie.
Beware of the not-so-cool Cat! Sage Lazzaro,, yesterday:
Employees of the popular clothing company Feminist Apparel … (whose) shirts … feature sayings like “Cats against catcalls” and “Trans rights are human rights” … discovered that the brand’s founder and CEO … had an admitted history of sexually abusing women … After asking for his resignation, all nine employees were fired … “This is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity at its f..king finest,” says Rebecca Green, the company’s now former art director.
B eware of the Buzzcut! Stacy Thomas, The Daily Telegraph, July 9:
A Hunters Hill barber … has had to post a public statement … saying he’ll cut the hair of any gender … “if a female/transgender or any gender comes into my barber shop and would like a buzz cut … it would be against the law to say ‘no’ … barbers have no exemptions like women-only gyms.”
TERF war! Brandon Voss,, July 7:
A small group of anti-trans cisgender feminists (known as TERFs or trans-exclusive radical feminists) crashed today’s London Pride parade … which was supposed to be led by London mayor Sadiq Khan, distributing … explicit anti-trans messages such as … “a male can never be lesbian”.