
Girl Scouts sue the Boy Scouts, and the woman with a willy wants a waxing or $35,000

ABC News online, yesterday:

A Pakistani Christian woman (Asia Bibi) recently saved from a death sentence for blasphemy against Islam has been released from prison into protective custody … an offer of asylum might be coming (from Italy) … There have also been calls from within (the) German … conservative party for Germany to grant refuge.

No mention of this., November 7:

The Conservative Party has called on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to offer asylum to Asia Bibi.

Or this,, November 1:

Australian Christian Lobby calls on federal government to offer Asia Bibi and her family asylum in Australia.

Mohammed Hanif, The New York Times, November 2:

We can never know what (Asia Bibi) may or may not have said because ­repeating blasphemy is also blasphemy, and writing it down may be even greater blasphemy. So let’s not go there.

Monty Python’s Life of Brian:

Matthias: Look, I don’t think it ought to be blasphemy, just saying “Jehovah”. (Everyone gasps) …

Jewish official: I’m warning you! If you say “Jehovah” once more … (Gets hit with a rock.) Right! Who threw that? Come on, who threw that?

Stoners: She did! She! (Suddenly speaking as men:) Him! Him! Him!

Jewish official: Was it you?

Stoner: Yes.

Jewish official: Right.

Stoner: Well you did say “Jehovah”.

(Crowd throws rocks at the stoner.)

Jewish official: Stop it! Stop! Stop, will you … stop that … Now look: no one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle, do you understand? Even — and I want to make this absolutely clear — even if they do say “Jehovah”. (Crowd stones the Jewish official to death.)

Stoners: Gotcha!

Wax her willy. John Carpay, The Post Millennial, November 6:

(A person, JY, who identifies as a woman and has a penis) has filed 16 complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal after being refused a Brazilian wax from … female esth­eticians who only serve women … (JY) stands to receive as much as $35,000 for dropping (the) complaints … Each esthetician (faces costs of up to $30,000 or more if they fight the charge) … (One woman) had … been turned down by 26 different lawyers … (citing) lack of expertise … or fear of ­offending the transgender lobby.

Sowing confusion. Jonathan Stempel, The Sydney Morning Herald, ­Nov­ember 7:

The Girl Scouts of the United States of America has filed a trademark ­infringement lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America, after the Boy Scouts decided to drop “Boy” from its namesake program and start welcoming older girls … (It said) the name change threatens to “marginalise” Girl Scouts activities and has already sown confusion.

Confused? Will this help? Lecture at University of Sydney, November 19:

In “Being/Divided: Queerness, Psycho­analysis, and Ontological ­Negation”, Lee Edelman rethinks what “queerness” means through the lens of a single sentence from Lacan’s “L’Etourdit”. Clarifying the psychoanalytic understanding of “sex”, he demonstrates why psychoanalysis posits that “sex” and “understanding” are incompatible. From this he develops an account of “queerness” as what is necessarily excluded, in the form of “sex”, from every understanding of being and he situates this exclusion in relation to contemporary feminist and Afropessimist discourses.

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