
Ghost of Trumpism Past haunts the US President as he ignores his own advice on Syria

Donald Trump launches a military assault on Syria. The US President in the White House, Saturday:

My fellow Americans. A short time ago, I ordered the United States armed forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Meanwhile, in another universe ... Trump on Twitter, August 28, 2013:

Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can’t we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?

Trump did not ask for Congress’s approval before he hit Assad’s regime. The president speaks on Saturday:

Establishing this deterrent (against chemical weapons) is a vital national security interest of the United States.

And back to that alternate universe. Trump on Twitter, August 28, 2013:

The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

The US President on Saturday:

We are prepared to sustain this response until the Syrian regime stops its use of prohibited chemical agents.

The US President on Twitter, September 9, 2013:

Don’t attack Syria — an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the U.S. Focus on making our country strong and great again!

Striking Syria is the right thing to do. Trump at the White House, Saturday:

We never want to see that ghastly spectre (of chemical weapons) return. So today, the nations of Britain, France and the United States of America have marshaled their righteous power against barbarism and brutality.

But there’s always a tweet with Trump ... September 11, 2013:

Obama must now start focusing on OUR COUNTRY ... Forget Syria ...

Meanwhile, Barrie Cassidy introduces his guest on Insiders, yesterday:

Next up, Sally McManus here in the studio. The ACTU wants to get rid of enterprise bargaining.

Are you so sure about that, Barrie? The Australian’s Workplace Editor Ewin Hannan on Twitter, yesterday:

Despite the commentary, @sallymcmanus is not calling for an end to enterprise bargaining. Under ACTU proposal, it would continue as would awards. Unions want greater scope for sector wide bargaining & right to take legal industrial action in support of sector claims.

Calm your farm, Cassidy. Enterprise bargaining still has some life in it. McManus replies to Hannan’s tweet, yesterday:

That’s correct. Enterprise bargaining will always have an important role to play. We just dont want it to be the only option for working ppl.

Finally, The Age loves to tell everyone how feminist it is. The Fairfax Melbourne daily’s editorial, September 18, 2016:

Politicians are making decisions on all aspects of our lives, from healthcare, childcare and education, to wars, the environment ... When these policies and laws impact men and women equally, how can women not have an equal role in their formation?

So why are they sending this message to the ladies? UK writer Karen Yossman in The Age, Saturday:

In fact, I would posit there’s never been a better time to be a single woman in possession of an academic qualification; even if it’s no guarantee of equal pay in the workplace, at least it might bag you an A-list bachelor.

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