
Democrats dive off deep end of identity politics as WikiLeaks heroine seeks high office

Chelsea Manning is running for the US Senate. Photo: AFP
Chelsea Manning is running for the US Senate. Photo: AFP

This year’s US midterm elections promise to be anything but dull. The New York Post, yesterday:

Chelsea Manning ... is running for the U.S. Senate in Maryland. Manning, a 30-year-old transgender woman born as Bradley, filed candidacy paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission on Thursday ...

Yes, that Chelsea Manning. Yes, she’s running for the Senate. No, you haven’t taken a hallucinogen. Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2013:

Private First Class Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison ... for transmitting government documents to the antisecrecy website ­WikiLeaks, and he received a dishonourable discharge. The trove of documents fell within four categories: videos, incident reports from the ­Afghanistan and Iraq wars, information on detainees at Guantanamo and thousands of State Department cables.

You can almost hear the members of the Democratic National Committee wetting themselves, can’t you? The New York Post, yesterday:

Manning would face-off with incumbent Democrat Ben Cardin, who has served two terms and is up for re-election in November.

A vote for Chelsea Manning is a vote for a traitor. Security analyst David French in National Review, August 10 last year:

To be clear, this wasn’t whistleblowing. He (the formerly Bradley Manning) didn’t identify a specific wrong and expose it responsibly while taking care to minimise the harm of disclosure. He just disclosed documents without regard for their contents. He didn’t know if anyone would die because of his actions. He didn’t know to what extent vital missions or programs would be compromised. He just did what he wanted to do. There was no honour in his action. None.

And the infamous leaker hasn’t behaved much better since she left jail. Manning’s Twitter feed, January 10:

f*k the police #DisarmThePolice #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay.

An explanation of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day from Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S), an organisation supporting families and friends of murdered officers. The C.O.P.S. website:

... there is a need to show law enforcement officers that our citizens recognise the difficult and sometimes impossible career they have chosen, in public service to us all.

But never mind Manning’s hateful bile, the American Left just love her. The New York Post, yesterday:

She posed in a swimsuit for Vogue in August, shared her beauty secrets in an article for Yahoo!, penned columns about transgender rights and government transparency for The Guardian, and rode on an ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) float in the NYC Pride Parade in June.

We wouldn’t be surprised if Manning won over the Maryland Democrats. It’s the age of celebrity after all. Janet Albrechtsen in The Weekend Australian, Saturday:

It’s not rocket science as to why celebrities, populists and political snake-oil salesmen are resonating with voters. There is a monumental values vacuum. Too many political leaders ... hide behind carefully scripted, cautious tripe.

We just hope the voters of Maryland stop her in November’s general election. National Re view, continued:

Allegedly “mainstream” media outlets, politicians, or organisations that honour or respect the likes of Manning ... cover themselves in shame.

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