
Chaotic Keneally warns Bennelong voters of dysfunction without a single drop of irony

Labor candidate for Bennelong, former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally. Photo: Britta Campion
Labor candidate for Bennelong, former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally. Photo: Britta Campion

Labor star candidate Kristina Keneally campaigns in Bennelong, yesterday:

I am asking the people of Bennelong to have a long, hard look at Malcolm Turnbull and this lousy government ... have a long, hard look at the chaos, have a long, hard look at the dysfunction.

Chaos? The Australian, December 4, 2009:

NSW Premier Nathan Rees was dumped last night in favour of Kristina Keneally ... It is the second time Labor in NSW has decapitated a sitting premier in the past 15 months — an event that had not occurred previously in the party’s 117-year history.

Dysfunction? The Australian’s NSW political editor Andrew Clennell, November 15:

Ms Keneally was backed for the job as premier by powerbrokers (Eddie) Obeid, (Ian) Macdonald and (Joe) Tripodi. Obeid and Macdonald have since been jailed.

The pot is calling the kettle something here ... Keneally continues:

This is an opportunity for the people of Bennelong to send a message to Malcolm Turnbull ... enough of his chaos, enough of his dysfunction.

Buddy, NSW voters hated your government because of all the chaos and dysfunction. The Australian’s NSW election blog, March 26, 2011:

Counting at 8.15pm had the ALP around 26 per cent of the primary vote, the Coalition about 51 ... Two-party preferred it seems about 64 to 36 in the Coalition’s favour ...

Imagine being so unpopular you made Malcolm Turnbull ’s numbers look good. The Australian, November 13:

The latest Newspoll, conducted exclusively for The Australian, shows the Coalition’s primary vote has fallen from 35 to 34 per cent ... only the second time core support has fallen so low under Mr Turnbull’s leadership.

At least Keneally is not getting questions like this. A reporter corners Liberal candidate John Alexander in Bennelong, yesterday:

John, why did you choose to play tennis in South Africa during the apartheid regime in defiance of ... the federal government?

In other news, it’s time for Cut and Paste to fess up. Ramones, January 10, 1977:

Swallow my pride / Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

We were struck by Barrie Cassidy’s Twitter response to a Fox News story about George HW Bush becoming the longest living US president. The Insiders host on Twitter, Monday:

Fox News kills Jimmy Carter. They really don’t like Democrats.

And we thought he meant they’d snubbed Carter to give Bush Sr the title of “oldest president”. Cut and Paste, yesterday:

Carter was president before Papa Bush but is he older? … Barrie doesn’t seem to understand how time works.

But the Fox News article had been amended by the time we read it and we missed this correction. Fox News actually did kill Jimmy Carter. Fox News online, Monday:

This article previously incorrectly stated that former president Jimmy Carter had died. We sincerely regret the error.

Barrie’s in the right. Cut and Paste is a muppet. We apologise and seek our favourite ABC silver fox’s forgiveness. Cher, June 19, 1989:

If I could turn back time / If I could find a way / I’d take back all those words that hurt you / And you’d stay …

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