“The more opinions you have, the less you see,” said film director Wim Wenders. Let’s see what opinions you had this week. It’s the Readers’ Comments column. Let’s engage ...
Greens leader Richard Di Natale came down from his verdant mountaintop to proclaim that changing the date of Australia Day would be one of his top priorities for 2018, thereby unleashing an avalanche of readers’ comments (2383 at last count, close to a record for comments on a single story in The Australian). Comment of the week goes to Brian of Picadilly for his savage summation, which earned him 206 likes:
“That’s the execrable Greens perfectly described in a single sentence. No policies, no brains, no sense. And yet still some fools vote for them. I cannot find, and god knows how I’ve tried, a single benefit to this country derived from the many millions of taxpayer dollars spent on the Greens. Comic relief doesn’t count. Yes, that’s you, SHY, Rhiannon, et al.”
Damien was disdainful:
“Way to go Greens. Display your irrelevance for all to see.”
Mark remarked:
“What is the point of changing the date, it will still represent the same thing. Lunacy, thy name is Green ... I seem to remember voting for the Greens way back in my mid-20s as a protest. WTF was I thinking? The Green’s will further destroy our way of life — enough damage to power, industry and prosperity already. Leftist social engineering must be opposed with vigour.”
Les said:
“Bit sad when that’s a top priority — you’d think there might be some more significant issues to deal with. Obviously not interested in the views of the vast silent majority who are not so interested in political correctness, but more in results in the national interest.”
Where’s Mal, asked Ian:
“Dear Malcolm Turnbull. This is part where you lead, you go up the camera and you denounce this man’s destructive views to the utmost of your ability. Hello? Malcolm?”
Gestures, said Gregory:
“What a derisive and grubby initiative. More gesture politics from the party that brought us useless and overpriced wind farms to solve a problem that does not exist.”
Barry barked:
“Forever seduced by the whims of the downtown latte sets Mr Di Natale. There’s far more to Australia than a few Green councils in Melbourne and Fremantle.”
Karen was cross:
“So one of Di Natale’s top priorities is to change the date of Australia Day. How about we make it one of our top priorities to send this irrelevant out-of-touch party to the rubbish bin once and for all at the next election.”
Frank was less than frank:
“Great idea. Lets go further. Become a republic. Change the flag. Change the national anthem. Immediately unemployment will be zero. The national debt will have been repaid. Carbon emissions will be zero. Power will be free Wages will rise 10pc annually. The CFMEU will behave responsibly. Australia will be renamed Utopia and relocate to Mars. And pigs might fly.”
Brad boomed:
“When is SHY going to pay her bills? Is that a priority for 2018?’
Not on, said John:
“I am very angry that so few can make so much noise by savvy media manipulation, that they are changing our nation. If they are unhappy about how we honour the start of modern Australia, please, can they find another nation on earth where they are happy and content and promptly go there. Australia can be very thankful the British were the first settlers, as many other nations who settled by “other” nations have not had the same outcomes as Australia.”
Kate was cranky:
“The small minority of people who vote for this mob will lap this up. The rest of us, ie the ones who live in the real world, will continue to concentrate on things that really matter, ie the economy, immigration, jobs, house prices, rising health costs etc.
“With Greens like SHY who want to open our borders to all comers (a la Merkel. What a disaster that has been) and Rhiannon who runs around advocating anarchy as a starting point for her communists manifesto, you’d think Di Natale would come up with something a bit more relevant to the everyday lives of Australians just to balance out the looney tunes element in his party.”
Larry laughed:
“With my friends and relatives we will celebrate both Australia Day and Invasion Day on 26 January. Beer and BBQ will taste the same. No greenies allowed.”
David despaired:
“Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will be next. Too divisive for genderless families. Banning Easter will follow, as there are too many Muslims feeling disenfranchised.”
Mark mused:
“Essentially what is being said and advocated is that the establishment of western civilisation with all its inherent human rights and ability to provide the greatest known platform for individuals to attain their human potential and the historically accurate birth of the country known as Australia cannot and should not be celebrated.
“The left will eventually win on this, despite the majority disagreeing. They will not stop until their goal is achieved. The ALP will eventually jump on board and fully embrace the ‘shame’ that is January 26.”
Push back, said Brian:
“The loony left is at it again. If your council tries to alter this date, push back, push back hard and push back again and again until they drop the idea. This is a date all people, indigenous or not need to remember. Changing the date will not change history!”
Don’t bother, said Tony:
“Save your energy Brian. The left’s on the march and regrettably I can’t see anything stopping them.”
It was bum notes all round after Australian Conservatives leader Cory Bernardi launched a Conservatives 100 Australia Day music playlist in response to ABC youth station Triple J’s move to shift its annual Hottest 100 to a different date. Savage Garden frontman Darren Hayes, Adelaide hip-hop group the Hilltop Hoods and Jimmy Barnes’s son, David Campbell were among those who took to twitter to get stuck into Senator Bernardi. Bryan wasn’t singing along:
“I wouldn’t want to be associated with anything Cory Bernardi does or says either. Good on the Australian musicians.”
From Jonathan:
“Interesting issue. I am not a fan of Cory Bernardi and I can empathise with the frustration of potential guilt by association that the artists mentioned complain of.
“However on this issue I must agree with Cory. It seems that once art has been released it is open to be used as desired by anyone, especially if unedited. I am not sure what are the specific legal rules here but I would imagine it hard to deny.
“Where I would draw the line is where a particular tune is used as a campaign theme song. Whether or not it is legally problematic, that does seem one step too far. Guilt by association is a terrible thing. This should remind us to beware judging anyone based on their associations.”
Everyone’s a critic, including Con:
“Hayes ... this bloke is the wannabe of the year, jeez mate, it’ll be the only time this year that anyone will hear it. Let’s get some talent on the list. To name a few, The Seekers, JO’K, Little Pattie, Eric Bogle, Tina Arena, Bee Gees, Little River Band, Normy Rowe, John Williamson and Gurrumul Rrakala, a voice from heaven.”
It doesn’t add up, said Dave:
“So if a baker refuses to supply a cake to a gay wedding because its against their beliefs, they are homophobic bigots guilty of discrimination. But if a gay musician refuses to supply their music to somebody who has different beliefs to the musician, that’s OK? Hmm, isn’t that the definition of hypocrisy?”
Terryd cheered:
“Yay, Cory is back from holiday and giving it back to the precious PC virtue signallers already. Musicians like Hayes earn their living offering music to those who pay to hear it. Cory is one of those customers.
“How dare Hayes assume musicians can start to require ‘approval’ before anyone can listen to their music. He sold the rights to a music company and has done very nicely out of it. Can’t have it both ways snowflake.”
Beware bullies, said Bill:
“Creative types are always hyper sensitive and want everything their own way. They don’t want others to play with their stuff if they don’t like it. I wonder if they would call this bullying?
“Publicly trying to humiliate someone with words of force to make that person feel threatened and encouraging others to do the same? Won’t worry Cory but what double standards we see from these types. People who hide behind tweets.”
Trash-talk from Ashley:
“I think it’s disgusting that Corey presumes to include Savage Garden in his list and not more Acca Dacca.”
Bob sounded like Peter Allen:
“I haven’t got much time for Bernadi’s political ideas but the more I see him, the more I like him at a personal level. He has a sense of humour and he was gracious in acknowledging the outcome of the SSM survey. He treats his political opponents with a respect that is rarely reciprocated.
“The fact is that he DOES have the permission of Savage Garden to include their music on his Spotify playlist. By agreeing to the publishing conditions of Spotify, they gave him permission. If they don’t like it, they can always remove their music from Spotify.”
Silent Majority summoned Shorten:
“(Bill) Shorten’s favourite karaoke song is Great Southern Land by Icehouse. So if the Icehouse artists don’t agree with Shorten’s politics, it would presumably be OK for them to tell him to stop saying GSL is his favourite song? How absurd all this is, how about we focus on the real issues.”
Delete, said David.
“Go ahead and delete his song Corey. I couldn’t care less if Savage Garden was on your list. There are plenty of other great artists to listen to. Same for Barnsey if he wants to whinge about it.”
This from Chris:
“I love (Midnight) Oil’s music, I buy it, I go to their concerts and I respect what they stand for and what they say but I don’t like Peter Garrett’s politics. Do I have to remove all of their songs and if so will he be that incensed he will give me all the money back that I have spent on his band over the years?
“Maybe Hayes should give all his royalties back to Bernadi and all the others whose politics he doesn’t like.”
Harken to Helio’s wife:
“If Darren Hayes, David Campbell and Jimmy Barnes don’t support your values and views, Cory, then you must be on the right track.”
Jennifer Oriel struck a chord with her observations on the true lies of PC speech and the paradox that has seen the closing of the Western mind during the information age. It jibed with Geoffrey:
“Unfortunately, Jennifer, your very good article will largely fall on deaf ears and blind eyes in this country. I fear it is already too late. I am not a pessimistic person, but I just despair at what is happening and how little most people (even thinking people) care. Thanks for the article.”
Alison agreed:
“Great article, thank you. Also great to see so many commentators here have actually read Orwell and can see the parallels. I had to study 1984 at school, would probably never have read it otherwise. Nowadays I find it one of the most prescient books I ever read and constantly relevant when navigating the mad, puritanical and censorious world we live in. Not a bad legacy for a Year 12 English book from 30 years ago. Reinstate Orwell to the curriculum I say!”
Mal pitied millennials:
“Thank God I grew up as a baby-boomer. In my youth and early adulthood, men were men, women were women and we could say whatever we liked without the slightest concern of condemnation. Offence was a concept, hurt feelings were handled and life moved on very productively. I pity what the future holds for these millennials and their kids.”
Much appreciated, said Meg:
“It is sometimes hard for those of us who take a more rational, common sense approach to life to comprehend just how dangerous the left has become to the very basic structure of our society. It’s frightening.”
Catherine’s call:
“This is why many informed, ordinary, non-homophobic Australians voted against ‘marriage equality’: because they are opposed to PC madness and value freedom of speech. The gender-neutral-pronoun compelled-speech lunacy proves that the rainbow Trojan Horse is real; SSM is ‘step one’ in the LGBTQI lobby instruction manual, as you well know, Jennifer.
“ ‘In the context of codified neo-Marxism, the legalisation of same-sex marriage is not what it seems. Instead of creating equality, it can create inequality by empowering the persecution of dissenters from PC politics.’ (Jennifer Oriel, Sept 11, 2017)
“It’s incremental, and the craziness in Canada is proof. Two plus two equals four — correct — but before that is one plus one equals two.”
Where’s Mal, asked PatrickJD:
“Turnbull, so vociferous on same sex marriage, has gone quiet on his promise that he considers freedom of speech even more highly than same sex marriage. When the political class resurface from their six week happy holidays, we look forward to seeing some action on Turnbull’s promise.”
Added arlys:
“I take great delight in doing what Trump does, say it as I see it, not as I am supposed to see it under Leftest rule. If we all do that, they can only fill so many jails, before they give up.
“It’s up to the people when it’s all said and done: how we feel about policies, clap trap, do gooding stuff for minorities (that) harms the fabric of the country, and by sitting there allowing these goons to take over, we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
“What happened to the laconic Australian who lived with humour, and decency, just as well those who paid the supreme sacrifice cannot see us now, urbanised, fearful to open our mouths in public, and allowing left wing garbage to infiltrate our lives. Have a go, like your forefathers did when faced with an enemy.”
Will Swanton rushed to the net to smash one back at the tennis ‘scream queens’. Jean-Pierre returned serve:
“Sabalenka, the Williams duo, Sharapova ... many many ‘girls’ do scream. Loudly for most. It’s the WTA that is silent and does nothing to stop this nuisance.
“It has been going on since Monica Seles started it many years ago, prompting Peter Ustinov to say to he would pity the neighbours on her wedding night.”
Oh, Errol:
“Strange that Hoad and Rosewall and Laver and the master Pancho Gonzalez did not have to scream and grunt to win the top tournaments in their day. Plainly this is cheating.”
Russell reasoned:
“It’s interesting that the grunting is mostly a women’s tennis phenomenon. But one thing that will happen is as people are turned off by it they will stop watching it. Sponsors will notice then and start to pull out. That will mean less money for the players. If I was in the women’s players association I would be saying to the really noisy ones ‘shut up’ before we start to lose $$$.”
Beverley switched off:
“Hate the scream and grunt. Do not watch the tennis any more because of these prima donnas.”
Andrew’s advice:
“If only we could mute the hideous howling: oh wait, there is a mute button on the remote!”
Each Friday the cream of your views on the news rises and we honour the voices that made the debate great. To boost your chances of being featured, please be pertinent, pithy and preferably make a point. Solid arguments, original ideas, sparkling prose, rapier wit and rhetorical flourishes may count in your favour. Civility is essential. Comments may be edited for length.