
Knocking off the PM to satisfy your ego is foolish

Seems like there are more politicians outside parliament than ­inside. Journalists and commentators abound. Too many have an agenda. Long teeth have become sharp teeth. The once hinged have become unhinged. A fart becomes a hurricane.

To these I say, look to your conscience. Who are you really barracking for, and why? We all have an audience to whom we play, but come to the table with a clear conscience. If you come to the table with revenge in your heart, you are not worthy.

From one commentator to some others, may I say, you’re havin’ a laugh. No, really. You think that knocking off the Prime Minister is a good idea? I can tell you this, old sons, it’s a bad idea. And it’s bloody irresponsible. This is a not a footy game, we don’t change managers because of a mid-season slump.

Labor did it last time in its first term in government, with an inexperienced leader. The Coalition did it in its first term, with an experienced leader. Arguably, it was a mistake, but it cannot be undone. It is what it is. It is history. Without too much effort, another man gathered the numbers, and such was the appetite for change, such was the performance of the incumbent and his coterie, that he won.

I can tell you this, the very harm you suffered because of that change almost destroyed the ­government. Another would ­certainly do so and, more important, it would destroy people’s faith in government.

And right now Australia does not need that. The fundamentals in this country may be fine. The misery index, unemployment plus inflation, may be lower than they have ever been. But we are vulnerable; we have too much debt, and misery can return quick smart.

Misery lurks in a banking royal commission. It will not ready this country for a better future. Misery lurks in barracking and indulging weak state governments in mindless cauterisation of land from gas and coal exploration and extraction. It will not ready this country for a better future.

The Queensland Labor ­government backs Adani, knowing that to do otherwise would ­destroy its chances to return on November 25, but it also backs a 50 per cent renewable target. Talk about having your coal and eating it too.

Labor had a brief period of rationality in the 1980s. It no longer exists. It died in the hands of lesser people. Kevin Rudd is the living embodiment of that mindset. Remember the utter disregard for propriety, senior public servants sent away to return the next day or next week because the prime minister had another bright idea about how to grab the front page or a television headline?

Remember the utter disregard for public money? Remember Gonski, National Broadband Network, National Disability Insurance Scheme, stimulus packages, racking up massive debt and little to show for it? The argument that a “period in opposition” would work wonders on the ­Coalition is hogwash. It is certain to do no more than scar a generation of coalition politicians. It is unlikely to bring back a golden era. There was no golden era, there were moments, there were particular players of ­im­mense skill, and blind luck. But to change leader is bloody-minded foolishness. For those who wish the Coalition were more able, wish away, but Jesus is not in the Coalition partyroom. No government has it all. No government consists of the all-Australian team.

Instead, work every day for government that promises to not solve every problem. Work every day for a government that, just occasionally, says no to nonsense — like the Aboriginal “voice”. Work every day for a government that demands good behaviour from its welfare recipients, and its banks.

Or, maybe that is your objective: to destroy good government in Australia. Good government does not mean ­getting your way. It means getting some of what you think is seriously necessary.

Making provision for the needy, the really needy, not some self-appointed identity group that failed to make a case for another dollop of taxpayer provision.

What is it about your egos that would destroy government to ­satiate your desire for revenge?

Malcolm will return from Beersheba, Barnaby will return from New England, Julie will ­return to foreign affairs, Scott will calm the markets. All may not be well, but it is better than the ­alternative.

Labor will throw mud every day, just as the Coalition did in opposition. So take a shower. Get up every day and fight the good fight.

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