Julia Banks bombshell ‘a calculated shambles designed to destroy Morrison from within’
As Scott Morrison was announcing his big hit economic plan for next year’s election with an early “surplus” Budget in April with a May election to follow he was sabotaged by outgoing Victorian Liberal MP Julia Banks’ announcement she was joining the independent cross bench.
Just as the Prime Minister was trying to get the Coalition’s campaign back on to the economy and batting away claims the Liberals were “anti-women” the female Turnbull supporter cut his legs from under him.
Things look like they are falling apart and they are.
It is now a government of an even smaller minority.
Just as Morrison was setting out an agenda and a political strategy the ghosts of Turnbull’s removal have returned to haunt him.
Morrison’s plan was simple — get through to Christmas, resume parliament in February, hold an early Budget on April 2, call an election soon after, probably on the weekend of April 6 for a ballot on May 18 for a half-Senate and House of Representatives election.
He was talking about delivering a surplus and exploiting Australia’s economic strength.
There now has to be a real question if he can survive through to April despite Banks’ claim she will deliver supply and confidence.
This is a shambles but it is a calculated shambles designed to destroy Morrison from within.