
Peter Van Onselen

Abbott should keep himself pure with a vow of silence

TONY Abbott doesn't think women should give up their virginity lightly. Would he be in less trouble if he had said the opposite?

Of course, Abbott's problem is not what he thinks but that he feels the need to say it at all. It gives women the sense he wants to interfere in their private choices. That's an understandable reaction given Abbott's well-known view on issues such as the abortion drug RU486.

While our religiously conservative Prime Minister certainly wouldn't disagree with Abbott's latest comments, Kevin Rudd has been clever enough to avoid getting drawn into the debate. Instead, his office ushered Julia Gillard out to condemn Abbott for confirming "the worst fears of Australian women".

The real stereotyping going on here is not Abbott's views on women but the picture the government wants to paint of the new Opposition Leader.

The irony shouldn't be lost on anyone that in order to paint Abbott as a male chauvinist who tells women what to do, Rudd's office told Gillard's office she had to go on the attack because Rudd needed to remain prime ministerial and stay out of the fray.

The summer months gave Abbott the freedom to campaign while the government had its foot off the accelerator.

With parliament resuming next week, Labor has reapplied the pressure, ensuring no media organisation overlooked reporting the remarks.

Abbott didn't single out women; he applied his religiously conservative views about sex before marriage equally. Because he was being interviewed for a women's magazine, and because he has three daughters and no sons, the focus of his comments in a personalised piece was - surprise, surprise - women.

But the Opposition Leader needs to learn to control his opinions. He shouldn't have taken the bait when asked the question. Most men know the last thing a woman wants is to be told what they should do by a man.

Sometimes a less interesting interview with less prominence is better than a high-profile interview that lands you in trouble.

There is nothing unusual about a father of three daughters hoping his girls don't give up their virginity lightly.

I would challenge any Labor MP with children to come out and disagree with the statement. Perhaps the Prime Minister could do so at his next church-front news conference this Sunday.

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