
Church leaders preach Easter optimism

CHURCH leaders have urged Christians to stay optimistic this Easter despite drought, climate change and other trials.

CHURCH leaders have urged Christians to stay optimistic this Easter despite drought, climate change and other trials.

"Amidst the gloom of drought, the war on terror, bushfires, growing social disadvantage across Australia, unthinkable family tragedies and a rising road toll, Easter reminds us to keep the faith," Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Philip Wilson said.

Sydney's Cardinal George Pell speculated God may have been getting more press coverage lately because the society was rethinking its beliefs in the light of Islamic terrorism, but noted "more importantly we are uneasy about the climate".

"We are told El Nino has disappeared, but the drought is not over in most parts. And we have the threat of global warming. It is to be hoped the one true God will accept all those carbon credits.

"The Christian God is not an insurance broker and his Son had more than his share of trouble.

"Neither did Jesus say anything on global warming, although he said much on the struggle between good and evil, meaning and fear, love and hate."

The superintendant of Sydney's Wesley Mission, Rev Keith Garner also concentrated on family and community where he said some of the best things in society were seen in selfless acts of kindness, commitment and generosity.

"Our emergency services personnel, bush fire fighters, doctors and nurses, teachers, volunteer workers, sporting coaches, members of the armed services and many other are fine examples of people who put the needs of others before themselves," he said.

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