
Bali Nine lawyers try for last appeal

LAWYERS for condemned Australians Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan will try to register their appeal for ­judicial review in Indonesia today.

LAWYERS for Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan will try to register their appeal for ­judicial review of their sentences today, hoping to halt Indonesian authorities’ preparations to exec­ute the pair.

The condemned men’s Indon­es­ian lawyer Todung Mulya Lubis visited them in Bali’s Kerobokan jail yesterday afternoon, as a member of Mr Todung’s team said they would try to submit judicial review ­applications to the Denpasar District Court today or Monday.

The long-shot attempt to have their 2006 death sentences reviewed by the Supreme Court a second time is the final legal tactic available to avert the firing squad. “We are doing everything possible we can, that’s all I can say,’’ Mr Todung said as he ­arrived at Kerobokan accompanied by Australian lawyer Julian McMahon. “We will keep trying: we are not going to stop trying to save human life.’’

But Indonesian Attor­n­ey-Gen­eral Muhammad Prasetyo is insistent Sukumaran, 33, and Chan, 31, will not get another ­review. Mr Prasetyo’s office has confirmed that 11 prisoners — seven of them foreign drug convicts, including the Australians — are “ready” for the firing squad, their clemency appeals to President Joko Widodo rejected.

The timing and locations of the second round of executions this year have not been finalised, nor have the number of people to be executed at that time.

Mr Prasetyo is now expected to make those decisions next week, after authorities finalise a review of the first executions, six drug-offend­ers, on January 18.

Beside the two Australians, individuals from Brazil, Spain, Ghana, The Philippines, France and four Indonesians — one sentenced for a drug crime, the others­ for murder and associated offences — await their fate.

With Telly Nathalia.

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