
World's biggest croc turns 110 in Qld

THE keepers of the largest crocodile in captivity have celebrated the reptile's first birthday party - his 110th - in far north Queensland.

Cassius, the world's largest saltwater crocodile in captivity
Cassius, the world's largest saltwater crocodile in captivity

IT took Cassius less than a minute to devour a cake made of chicken necks to celebrate his first birthday party in 110 years.

Far north Queensland keepers of the world's largest saltwater crocodile in captivity sang the old croc Happy Birthday before giving him a 20 kilogram meat cake topped with candles.

"He destroyed it in about 30 seconds," Marineland Melanesia croc wrangler Billy Craig told AAP.

"It's one of the biggest meals he's had... we decided to spoil him."

The 5.48 metre giant reptile normally eats about 1kg of chicken and fish a day.

It isn't known exactly how old Cassius is but keepers, who estimate his age at about 110, decided it was time to celebrate anyway.

"Crocodiles usually replace their teeth but normally, once they're old and sick, they'll stop replacing them," Mr Craig said.

"The fact he's still got his teeth and that he's in pretty good shape means he could live another 30 years."

Cassius was caught in the wild in the Northern Territory 26 years ago after being deemed a nuisance for attacking boats.

No one wanted the croc so Mr Craig's grandfather, George, who owns the Green Island farm, gave him a new home.

On Sunday it was George senior, aged about 80, who fed Cassius his birthday cake.

In 2011 the reptile, named after legendary boxer Cassius Clay, was officially declared by Guinness World Records to be the biggest crocodile in captivity.

He lost the title last year, but regained if after 6.17 metre Lolong died in the Philippines.

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