
Vic laws aim to limit suppression orders

THE Victorian government says new legislation aims to strengthen open justice by ensuring court suppression orders are only made where necessary.

VICTORIAN courts will only be able to make suppression orders in "specific limited circumstances" under new laws aimed at opening up the justice system.

Under the changes, suppression orders that ban publishing details from court proceedings must not be open-ended and have an expiry date within five years.

Attorney-General Robert Clark, who introduced the legislation into parliament on Wednesday, says it will strengthen open justice and free reporting of court matters.

"Unless there is good reason to the contrary, the community is entitled to know what is being said in court where there are allegations that the conduct of an individual or organisation is in breach of the law," Mr Clark said.

The new laws stipulate suppression orders can only be made where there is a strong and valid reason and where it is necessary to protect the administration of justice, national or international security, and the safety of individuals.

Courts would also be able to impose the orders in sex and family violence cases to prevent undue distress or embarrassment to victims.

Mr Clark says the new laws ensure suppression orders are limited to what is necessary and not in force longer than they should be.

They also stipulate that media organisations may appear and be heard in court on suppression order applications.

Victoria has been criticised for excessively using suppression orders.

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