Ongoing lockdowns in Victoria are dragging down nation’s job recovery
Stage four restrictions in Victoria are holding back Australia’s job recovery as the state’s unemployment figures sink to a disturbing level.
Stage four restrictions in Victoria are denting Australia’s job recovery figures, with ongoing lockdowns causing the state’s employment numbers to sink more than double the national average.
Latest weekly payroll figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal jobs in Victoria plunged 2.8 per cent, sparked by the state’s forced economic shutdown in a bid to control a second wave of coronavirus.
The Victorian statistics are more than double the national average, which recorded a fall of 1 per cent over the month to August 8.
The numbers reflect Victoria’s inability to contain the spread of the virus, which pushed Australia’s second most populous city into total lockdown.
“Around 39 per cent of jobs lost in Victoria by mid-April had been regained by 27 June, but by early August this had reduced to 12 per cent,” Head of ABS labour statistics, Bjorn Jarvis said.
“Female jobs recovery was greatest for those aged under 20, who also experienced the largest fall in jobs through to mid-April,” Mr Jarvis said.
On a national scale, jobs on the books remain 4.9 per cent below levels in mid-March.
At August 8, 43 per cent of jobs lost across Australia since mid-April had been recovered, with most of the new positions picked up by women.
Tourism, hospitality and arts industries continue to suffer the greatest job losses compared with any other sector.
Tasmania and Northern Territory were the only jurisdictions to have positive growth in the number of new payroll jobs.