
Liberal MP Tim Wilson holds firm on raiding superannuation to buy homes plan, says critics ‘deluded’

A plan to let Australians use superannuation to buy a home is ‘dangerous’, critics say, fuelling an already overheated property market.

How much money should you have in your super?

A Liberal MP’s push to let ordinary Australians use superannuation for housing is getting an increasing amount of pushback but he says his critics are “deluded”.

The idea of tapping into retirement savings to step on the property ladder has been bounced around before but was seized on by Liberal MPs including Member for Goldstein, Tim Wilson, after the release of the Morrison government’s Retirement Income Review in November.

Mr Wilson has drawn the ire of the superannuation industry for suggesting banning super funds from investing in housing if Australians don’t get the right to use their nest egg to get a mortgage.

‘It’s unjust to make Australians serfs to their superannuation by empowering Big Super to be able to buy homes while denying young Australians the same opportunity,” he wrote in an opinion piece in The Financial Review last month.

Industry Super Australia labelled the plan “extreme” and “fundamentally flawed”, saying it would jack-up house prices and inflate mortgages for first home buyers, leading them to retire with far less and become more reliant on the aged pension, which could lead to higher taxes.

Liberal backbencher Tim Wilson has staunchly defended the proposal. Picture: Lukas Coch/AAP
Liberal backbencher Tim Wilson has staunchly defended the proposal. Picture: Lukas Coch/AAP

ISA says its preliminary analysis of the proposal suggests it would cause an 8 per cent to 16 per cent spike in the five major capital city median property prices, estimating Sydney’s “could lift a staggering $134,000”.

“In most areas the price increases and extra property taxes would quickly surpass the amount of super a first home buyer could withdraw, so homebuyers would be paying more but at the expense of their super,” ISA recently said.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions is the latest to criticise the plan, claiming Mr Wilson was set to benefit from it personally.

That’s based on information in the parliamentary pecuniary interests register, which shows he has mortgages for a property in Melbourne and three others jointly bought with his spouse, including dwellings on the Mornington Peninsula and in the ACT.

ACTU assistant secretary Scott Connolly labelled Mr Wilson’s push “not only dangerous but out of touch”.

ACTU assistant secretary Scott Connolly says Mr Wilson “seems intent on an continuing attack on our national retirement savings system”.
ACTU assistant secretary Scott Connolly says Mr Wilson “seems intent on an continuing attack on our national retirement savings system”.

“Whilst the average worker would be locked out of the housing market, as an existing property owner Mr Wilson stands to gain hundreds of thousands in additional wealth,” Mr Connolly said.

“We’re still recovering from a pandemic and recession, and Mr Wilson seems intent on a continuing attack on our national retirement savings system.

“More than 700,000 workers were forced to completely empty their superannuation accounts last year and now have nothing to retire with.

“This government needs to create a real plan for addressing the housing crisis, not one that involves crushing people’s dreams of retirement.”

Mr Wilson baulked.

Tapping into superannuation to step on the property ladder is expected to push up prices in an already overheated housing market.
Tapping into superannuation to step on the property ladder is expected to push up prices in an already overheated housing market.

“Industry Super and the ACTU’s response reminds us of how they arrogantly see superannuation as their money to shower themselves with ... not your money for your retirement or for the single most important investment for retirement security – a home,” he told NCA NewsWire.

“Industry Super Australia, the ACTU and the Labor Party attacks are designed to distract from questions they don’t want to answer about how they’re using your super to buy homes they own, and so they can take more control of your money.

“They are deluded in thinking their intimidatory tactics will stop us shining bright lights in dark places, or that we will back down from fighting for home ownership by getting life’s financial priorities right: home first, super second.”

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