
Government launches intelligence review

THE government has launched an independent review of intelligence community.


THE government has launched an independent review of the intelligence community to assess whether it can properly support Australia's national interests.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said intelligence played a key role in preserving Australia's national security and supported a wide range of national interests.

She said the review would ensure Australia continued to have a well co-ordinated, appropriately resourced and adaptable intelligence system.

"The aim of the review is to ensure Australian intelligence agencies are working effectively together and are well positioned for challenges in a constantly evolving security environment," she said in a statement.

"The review will also consider working arrangements between intelligence agencies and their international partners.

"It will take into account the significant growth in the intelligence community's resources and capabilities over the past decade."

The review will be conducted by former Attorney-General Department secretary Robert Cornall and Associate Professor Rufus Black, who led a team that conducted a review of Defence Department structures and governance.

They will assess the performance of the six agencies that make up the Australian Intelligence Community - the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO), Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO), the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) and the Office of National Assessments (ONA).

Ms Gillard said they would start early next year and produce a final report to the government around mid-year.

This inquiry is in line with a recommendation of the 2004 Flood inquiry, which said the intelligence agencies should undergo a further external review every five to seven years.

Ms Gillard said funding for this was announced in the Budget in May this year.

She said Mr Cornall had extensive experience at a high level in public administration, particularly as secretary of the Attorney-General's Department until his retirement in 2008.

Associate Professor Black is the highly regarded master of Ormond College at the University of Melbourne, and a notable ethicist, management consultant and theologian, she said.

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