
Fiona Wood's burn therapy spreads to world

THE US market has proved hard to crack but Europe has embraced Fiona Wood's ReCell spray-on skin treatment, the acclaimed surgeon says.

RENOWNED burns specialist Fiona Wood says her ground-breaking spray-on skin treatment is close to a "tipping point" for widespread use around the world.

Dr Wood's ReCell spray-on skin treatment involves using a patient's own cells in a regenerative process, eliminating tissue rejection, speeding up healing, minimising scars and reintroducing pigmentation to the skin.

The therapy helped many of the 2002 Bali bombing survivors, but commercialising it through stock-exchange listed Clinical Cell Culture Ltd, now named Avita Medical, has proved a hard slog.

The company had spent years trying to get ReCell past complex US Food and Drug Administration hurdles, but progress was being made, and it was increasingly being used in Europe, Dr Wood said.

"I was privileged in going to Rome to the first ReCell users meeting, and for me it was just fascinating that ten years on from the establishment of Clinical Cell Culture, the technique was being used by many other surgeons, now in the hundreds," the 2005 Australian of the Year told AAP.

"It's been a long road and it's been very hard.

"We're getting close to that tipping point where it will be part of not just a few surgeons' toolbox, it will be much more commonplace."

The plan was to commercialise ReCell to fund further burns research, and royalties were starting to trickle through, she said.

"That was a bit of a naive plan and it was much harder than we expected.

"But we're slowly getting there.

"For us, it was never about personal gain, it was to maintain that work."

Dr Wood says there has been a leap in our preparedness to deal with disasters like the 2002 Bali bombings, which claimed the lives of 202 people including 88 Australians.

The Australia and New Zealand Burns Association has worked with health departments throughout the country on disaster planning, and those efforts had been refined and formed a template for the National Trauma Disaster Plan.

That plan was tested in 2009 with the Ashmore Reef asylum seeker boat explosion, Dr Wood said.

The acclaimed surgeon said research on the long-term outcomes of burns treatments had also come a long way.

"Every intervention you do, you have to be able to measure the impact," she said.

"That is not easy in such a multifaceted area of pathology because burns affect all body systems, so we have to understand the effect on the liver, the heart, the brain, the lungs, the musculoskeletal system, et cetera.

"Understanding the mechanisms of these changes was really important.

"That was an enormous step forward.

"Our mantra is 'the quality of the outcome must be worth the pain of survival'."

Dr Wood, who has also treated the ultramarathon runners burned in a 2011 Kimberley bushfire, said the battle to overcome psychological scars from burns also could not be underestimated.

"Even a small scar can really rattle your wheels."

There was still a long way to go towards the goal of "scarless healing", but her journey has so far been very rewarding.

"I am surprised and inspired by the resilience of human spirit," Dr Wood said.

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