
British spook Gareth Williams died in Houdini sex game, say police

SPY found naked and zipped up in a duffel bag had suffocated after bizarre sex game went wrong


A BRITISH who was found naked and zipped up in a red duffel bag in the bathtub of his London apartment suffocated after a bizarre sex game went wrong.

Police believe 30-year-old math Gareth Williams genius died accidentally from a lack of oxygen after he agreed to be locked in the 32-inch-long sports bag by another person, The Sun newspaper reported.

Sources said the MI6 agent was a fan of claustrophilia - in which people get sexual pleasure from confined spaces.

Police have suggested that the person who zipped up the bag discovered Williams dead and fled the apartment. They have ruled out foul play but are still trying to trace the other person.

An examination of his two laptops showed Williams visited websites on claustrophilia.

He also had links to a bondage and a sadomasochism website. Two wigs and women's makeup were reportedly found in the victim's apartment.

Williams was zipped into a large North Face bag and a padlock was snapped shut through two eyeholes in the handles - but the key was found inside.

Investigators hoped toxicology tests would shed light on Williams' cause of death, but according to a statement released on Thursday: "The Metropolitan Police Service can confirm that results from comprehensive further toxicology tests carried out in relation to the death of Gareth Williams have come back negative, showing no trace of any drugs, alcohol [or] poisons ... Williams' death remains suspicious and unexplained, and inquiries into the circumstances continue."

There were no signs of forced entry or traces of blood at the scene.

Police again appealed on Thursday for information about a man and a woman seen at Williams’ apartment in late July. Both were described as of Mediterranean appearance and aged between 20 and 30 years old.

Williams, who worked at the Government Communications Headquarters fighting cyber warfare, was living in London on a temporary assignment for MI6.

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