
Abbott keeps Gillard hanging on boats

THE Federal Opposition will keep the government in suspense for another few days before revealing its final position on Labor's bid to resurrect its Malaysian people-swap deal.

THE Federal Opposition will keep the government in suspense for another few days before revealing its final position on Labor's bid to resurrect its Malaysian people-swap deal.

Officials including Solicitor-General Stephen Gageler will brief Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in Melbourne later today on Labor's plans to amend migration laws to reinstate offshore processing of asylum seekers.

Offshore processing was placed in doubt by the High Court's verdict last month scuttling the Malaysian deal.

The Government needs Mr Abbott's support to pass the changes - to be introduced into parliament next week - because the Australian Greens will not support them.

Mr Abbott repeatedly has signalled he is unlikely to support the changes but his immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, says the Coalition is still keeping its options open.

"We'll see what the legislation is today but it's clear that they want to embrace failed policies at the expense of proven policies," he said in Canberra.

"We will look at these matters and reflect on them carefully in the days ahead."

Mr Abbott will put the legislation before shadow cabinet and the party room before announcing a final decision, Mr Morrison said.

"That's what we do with every single Bill that goes through this house and we'd be making no exception to that process on this occasion."

The Government wants to use the changes to reinstate the controversial Malaysian deal but argues they are also necessary to underpin Mr Abbott's alternative policy of sending asylum seekers to Nauru.

Under the Malaysian deal Labor wants to send 800 asylum seekers to Malaysia in exchange for 4000 processed refugees.

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