Brisbane's dams fill as floodwaters surge
THE clean-up has started in inundated towns, but other areas remain isolated.
BRISBANE dam levels have hit 80 per cent for the first time in nearly a decade, double the threshold that only a year ago could have triggered the addition of recycled sewage, in an upside to the flood emergency unfolding in Queensland's southwest.
As the water receded yesterday in the inundated town of Charleville, 760km west of the state capital, a flood tide surged through swollen creeks and rivers, threatening other communities.
Despite the disruption and occasional scare for locals, few were complaining after parched conditions gave way to the promise of a season of plenty.
The unprecedented level-six water restrictions Brisbane faced three years ago, when dam levels threatened to plunge below 10 per cent, were a fading memory yesterday in the waterlogged city.
Utility SEQWater said the combined capacity of Brisbane's three major dams had risen to 80.5 per cent, the highest since March 2002.
Somerset dam was overflowing, with excess water being funnelled to Wivenhoe dam, the city's principal reservoir. That dam, capable of holding twice the water of Sydney Harbour, was more than two-thirds full, the volume having increased by 8 per cent since last Friday.
The floodgates on a brimming North Pine dam had to be opened after 187mm of rain fell on its catchment in the past week.
The Bligh government in November 2008 backed down from plans to begin from February last year pumping treated sewage into Brisbane's dams once storages fell to 40 per cent capacity.
The decision followed a collapse in support for the plan, which was a key part of the state's $9 billion strategy to drought-proof southeast Queensland.
The clean-up began yesterday in Charleville and the town of Roma to its east, both declared disaster areas by the state government, amid estimates that the bill for flooded homes, roads and other damaged infrastructure could could top $100 million.
Touring Charleville, where hundreds of people were evacuated at the height of the emergency on Tuesday, Premier Anna Bligh said Kevin Rudd had agreed to send in the army if required.
While the rain was good news for farmers, some of whom had endured nearly a decade of drought, the town had been hit hard by the fast-rising flood.
"It will take some time until the water goes down and we can get a real good handle on how much property and infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed," Ms Bligh said, adding it was unlikely the state would take up the Prime Minister's offer of military assistance.
The crisis shifted south to St George yesterday, where the Balonne River threatened to break its banks. The Bureau of Meteorology warned levels could rival those of 1996, when a peak of 10.98m was recorded.
Mayor Donna Stewart quoted local farmers as saying they had never seen the river so high.
In Roma, Bungil Creek, which skirts the town, peaked at 8.1m but has since dropped, leaving about 200 damaged homes.
The township of Quilpie, 950km west of Brisbane, was cut off with the Bulloo River rising above the 2004 flood level but not yet directly threatening properties. The outback centres of Bedourie, Birdsville, Mitchell and Cunnamulla remained isolated by floods.