Your noon Briefing: ‘We’ll fight asylum bill tooth and nail’
Your 2-minute digest of the day’s top stories and a long read for lunchtime.
Hello readers. Kerryn Phelps risks infamy starting the boats again if her bill to water down offshore processing of asylum seekers is passed.
‘We’ll fight bill’
Matt Canavan says voters endorsed the Coalition’s border policies but Labor warns the PM can’t “simply ignore” the Phelps’s bill if it passes. Chris Kenny writes that if Kerryn Phelps’s ill-considered bill to water down offshore processing is passed she risks infamy as the person who unleashes the people-smuggling trade — again.
‘I’m not racist’
Liam Neeson sparked a furore after admitting he wanted to attack and kill a black man when his friend was raped 40 years ago.
Labor pigs out
It was Year of the Pig in 2007 when Kevin Rudd toppled John Howard, and in 1983 when Bob Hawke knocked off Malcolm Fraser, writes Peter Van Onselen.
The long read: Finally going for brokers
Mortgage broking became a huge industry with no legal requirement for advisers to act in clients’ best interests, writes Anthony Klan.