Your noon Briefing: Shorten’s ‘two-fingered salute’ to retirees
Your 2-minute digest of today’s top stories and a long read for lunchtime.
Hello readers. ScoMo slams Bill Shorten’s ‘two-fingered salute’ to retirees, and Clementine “I bathe in male tears” Ford resigns from Nine newspapers.
Two-fingered salute
Scott Morrison has leapt on Chris Bowen’s “vote against us” taunt to retirees to slam Bill Shorten’s crackdown on franking credits. Robert Gottliebsen writes that Bowen has been caught fibbing on franking after an on-air gamble.
First 5G plan
Optus has unveiled Australia’s first 5G home broadband plan, with its unlimited offer set to compete against the NBN by March.
Claim rejected
A self-published book by Lucy Gichuhi alleging domestic violence and betrayal has shocked her family.
Ford quits
Clementine Ford has resigned from Nine newspapers after she was “cautioned by management’’ for calling Scott Morrison a “ disgrace”.
The long read: Chinese eyes in your fridge
It may be harder without Huawei but we’ll be better off in the end.
Comment of the day
“Perhaps the Coalition should tax unions and remove the tax deductibility of union fees. 85pc of workers will be unaffected, so by Labor’s yardstick this would be a fair measure.”
Rob, in response to ‘ALP goads seniors angry over franking credit crackdown: vote against us’.