Your noon Briefing: Chris Dawson arrested, to be charged with wife Lyn’s murder
Your 2-minute noon digest of the day’s top stories and must-reads.
Hello readers. Chris Dawson has been arrested and is expected to be charged with the murder of his wife Lyn.
Chris Dawson arrested
Former Newtown Jets rugby league star Chris Dawson, subject of The Australian’s Walkley award winning podcast The Teacher’s Pet, has been arrested and will be charged with the murder of his wife, Lyn. The disappearance of Lyn Dawson has remained a mystery for 36 years. Here are the key people involved in the case. Here is a full timeline of key events.
Gay students bill vote
Scott Morrison is prepared to hold a conscience vote on a new gay students protection bill after negotiations broke down. The government and senior religious leaders warn Labor’s gay students protections will impose consequences that extend far beyond the classroom. Keep up with the latest from parliament in our live blog, PoliticsNow.
China satellite plot
Fears are growing that China’s military could take over a Boeing satellite as founders of the US start-up that ordered top secret technology say their firm is controlled by Beijing.
The long read: Law and disorder
Using a lawyer as an informant was fraught with danger for police, writes John Ferguson, as calls for a wider investigation into the Lawyer X scandal grow.
Comment of the day
“We need a royal commission into carbon dioxide emissions targets` and how they are being used to rig and manipulate our energy and resource markets. Australians deserve to get some facts and evidence they can rely on.”
Peter, in response to ‘Sparks fly in Turnbull’s energy war’.