Your morning Briefing: Spy boss to brief PM on right extremists
Your 2-minute digest of today’s top stories and must-reads.
Hello readers. Australia’s spy boss will brief the PM on a response to the Christchurch terror attack, and Greens push for action against Anning.
Spy boss to brief PM
Top security officials will today hold an urgent meeting to brief ministers on Australia’s response to the Christchurch terror attack. The Greens will push for “extraordinary’’ action to be taken against Fraser Anning, including expelling the senator. Fraser Anning isn’t the only ratbag to use the NZ terror attack to score points. Beware those now seeking to shut down debate, writes Janet Albrechtsen.
‘Censor Facebook violence’
Scott Morrison has demanded social media companies provide assurances terrorist attacks will not be shown live online again.
Teen turned extreme
Picked on for his weight, white supremacist loner Brenton Tarrant turned to bodybuilding, video games — and guns.
Would-be treasurer trips
NSW Labor Treasury spokesman Ryan Park yesterday over-estimated the cost of health to the budget by $9 billion.
Kudelka’s view