Your morning Briefing: Shorten ignites unholy war on Morrison
Your 2-minute digest of today’s top stories and must-reads.
Hello readers. Bill Shorten has ignited an unholy war over the PM’s faith, and Janet Albrechtsen on why the real top end of town is tinged Green.
Unholy war
Scott Morrison has accused Bill Shorten of politicising the Prime Minister’s faith in the final days of the campaign. Dennis Shanahan suggests that this is about as low as political debate can get. Keep up with the latest from the campaign trail in our live blog, PoliticsNow.
Which way will they lean?
Kerryn Phelps, Rob Oakeshott hedge their bets as other key independents reveal whether they’ll support Scott Morrison or Bill Shorten in event of hung parliament. And it has been revealed that Bill Shorten spoke to Liberal defector Julia Banks about running for Flinders instead of Chisholm.
End is nigh
As the agonising wait for judgment day approaches, Israel Folau has sent a cryptic message.
Rich get richer, poor get the picture
Forget the baloney about the Liberals representing the top end of town, writes Janet Albrechtsen. There is a distinct green tinge to our rich and well-educated city slickers. And that is bad news for poor people.
“ Fully one-third of Australians in the cushiest socio-economic groups vote Greens. These smartypants voters with university educations imagine they are helping the poor ... but those who vote Greens are wrecking the chances of the poor to get rich.”
Kudelka’s view