Your morning Briefing: PM’s next ‘quiet’ public service revolution
Your 2-minute digest of today’s top stories and must-reads.
Hello readers. ScoMo’s next ‘quiet’ revolution focuses on public service, and Sun Yang’s Aussie coach slams ‘hypocrites’.
PM’s next ‘quiet’ revolution
Scott Morrison has signalled sweeping reforms to the public service and departments are poised for a cultural shake-up.
‘Threat to living standards’
Our most senior bureaucrat has warned growth in Australia’s living standards faced a significant decline over the next decade.
‘Pol Pot purge’
Boris Johnson wasted no time clearing out 17 senior ministers in “summer’s day massacre” as he radically reshapes a pro-Brexit Cabinet.
Sun Yang’s coach, Denis Cotterell, says the star is as clean as his other great protege, Grant Hackett.
Cops zero in on pair
The manhunt for the teens suspected of murdering Australian Lucas Fowler and his girlfriend shifts to a remote town.
Kudelka’s view